Page 14 of Lawless God

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I have a town to rule.

A war to win.



Kamikazee - MISSIO

“I’ll come up with something,” I say to Ivan as we step outside. Probably to convince myself.

“I know you will, babe.” He opens the passenger door and helps me in before going to the driver’s side.

This is my car. It’s a nice Mercedes. I bought it for myself at the prime of my success. A gift to myself for everything I achieved. I’m the one who usually drives, but today I let him take the wheel.

I have given everything I have to keep this crew in power. I have spent days and nights scheming to keep NSC weak enough that they would never try to take over.

So where the fuck did Emma get the courage to fight against me?

My phone rings as we drive the dilapidated streets of the North Shore. An unknown number.

I’ve had an unknown number try to call me every few days for months, but I haven’t picked up. Unknown never means anything good, and they haven’t left a message. But maybe I should get it over with. Just as I’m about to pick up, Ivan snatches my phone away from me and declines the call. He puts it on silent and throws it onto the backseat.

“Ivan,” I groan. “I know you’re trying to be helpful right now. But this is my job. I need to handle this situation.”

He shakes his head. “You need a minute to calm down so you can think clearer. Stop answering your phone for half an hour at least, then we’ll see.”

I let my head fall against the seat and allow my boyfriend to drive me around for what feels like hours, but I suppose isn’t long at all. He parks in front of a convenience store and turns to face me.

“I’m going to get you a cherry soda because you like unhealthy shit like that in the morning. You wait here and don’t check your messages.” He’s about to open the door, when he stops and brings playfully narrowed eyes to mine. “Do I need to take that phone with me, or can I trust you?”

I snort, shaking my head, because I’m surprised he can still bring a smile to my face. “Promise I won’t check my phone.”

My fingers twitch to grab the device in the back seat as I watch Ivan walk into the store, but I decide to close my eyes and ignore reality for a second.

That’s until the driver’s door opens again.

That was quick.

Too quick.

My eyes fly open just as the sound of the backdoors being opened kicks my heart into a crazy beat.

I sit up straight, but I keep my cool as I observe Logan making himself comfortable in my car. He’s slowly becoming Emma’s right-hand, and I don’t think I want to know why he’s here.

Gaze flicking to the mirror, I catch the two people sitting in the back. I’ve already seen the last man blocking my door from the outside.

“Awesome,” I huff.

If I die surrounded by NSC because my boyfriend wanted to get me my favorite drink instead of letting me handle my shit… Fuck, I’ll haunt Ivan forever.

My eyes keep going to the glove compartment where I keep a gun. I have one at the back of my jeans too, but I don’t think I’ll be quick enough since one of the guys is already pointing his at my head.

Way too fucking close for my liking.

The muzzle grazes my temple, and I lock my muscles not to flinch away from it. NSC will have to try harder if they want to see me scared.

What the fuck do they think I’ve been through to become the leader of the Kings? Knit my dad pretty scarves? I’ve been through hell and back to earn my place. A bit of intimidation from these guys isn’t even purgatory.

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