Page 46 of Morgan

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“You can do it. You know your shit. You just have to trust yourself. We’ll get someone in here to work with you, and I’m only a phone call away. Plus, I’ll come back often.”

He shakes his head, runs a hand through his hair. “You love this shop. I’m a fuckup. I can’t do this.”

With a sigh, I stand in front of him and tilt his head up so he’s looking at me. He looks so much like Allison with those kind blue eyes that Easton will never see. My heart goes out to him. I want nothing more than for him to succeed, for him to know he’s more than he believes he is. “Yes you can, brother.”

His gaze locks on mine like he’s trying to figure me out.

“I trust you.” Because when I’m not here, East won’t let himself screw up because he won’t want to let me down. He wouldn’t give a shit if it was Gregory, or hell, maybe even Rhett or Morgan, but he will with me.

“Jesus, how does Morgan ever say no to you?”

I grin. “He didn’t use to, and then he was gone. If he’d stayed, he wouldn’t have been able to stay away from me.” That’s not really how Morgan and I work. He hasn’t even been back long, and look at us already.

“I’m going on record saying I think this is a bad idea.”

“Noted.” I take a step away from him.

“Rhett isn’t going to like it.”

“I care about your brother, but it’s not his business—not what I do with Morgan, nor you. But no, he’s not going to like it. Yesterday morning he was at your dad’s house when I woke up. It wasn’t pretty.”

“Nah, I don’t suppose it was for him or Dad, but for different reasons. I think you might be the only person my dad dislikes more than me.” He gives a laugh, but I don’t join him.

“He doesn’t hate you.”

“He blames me for being born and killing my mom. It wasn’t El’s fault. Just mine. And I’m sure he wishes it had been me who died instead of Ella.”

My chest throbs with a familiar ache for him. I’m not the kind of man who hates many people, but I do hate Gregory Swift. “You didn’t ask to be born, and what happened with Ella was a terrible accident. If your dad can’t see those things and doesn’t see you for who you are, then he doesn’t deserve you. He doesn’t deserve any of you.”

Easton clears his throat and walks away. The conversation is over. Frankly, I’m surprised I got as much out of him as I did. “Morgan wants to spend time with you. He’s been trying to get ahold of you.” Which he knows. He’s been ignoring the calls.

When Easton doesn’t answer right away, I add, “Give him a chance, East. Life would be so much easier on the three of you if you learned to lean on each other rather than blame or avoid each other.” Rhett blames Morgan for so much, and Morgan is the same with Rhett. And Easton, he just does his best to avoid everyone, keeps himself at a distance from Gregory and Rhett with the trouble he gets into, and with Morgan, it was easier because he was gone.

“There you go trying to save us again,” he says with a smile.

I shrug. “There’s no going back for me now. I’m so damn tangled in the Swift brothers that you’re a part of me. It just is what it is.”

“I’m sorry. That has to be hard on you,” he says, and I chuckle. “Morgan is lucky to have you…we all are. Now don’t talk to me anymore. You’re annoying and make me say things I don’t like to say.”

It’s impossible to hold back another snicker. “Deal. I’ll help you finish up here, and then maybe you can—”

“I know. I know. I’ll talk to Morgan.”

I turn the music back on, and the two of us get to work. We’re there for about an hour before East says, “I’m gonna head out.”

“Okay.” I nod. “See ya tomorrow.”

He gives me a nod too and walks out.

After Easton leaves, I head to my office and plop down in my chair. My thoughts are with Easton and the things he said, with Morgan and the high I get at finally having him. I’ve already memorized the feel of him beneath me, the warmth and texture of his skin, the tight grip of his body, the contentment and pride I feel when he just wants to be close to me, to touch me and smell me and nuzzle into me.

But I can’t pretend my thoughts aren’t with Rhett too. I know how Gregory’s behavior and the things he said affect Rhett, and it’s not something he’s ever shared with anyone. The only reason he’s talked to me about it is because I know their family so well and I push him. Even when he was married to Lori, Rhett never let her in. That’s why she left him. I’d told Morgan when he came back that him being here wouldn’t change the fact that Rhett and I are friends, and I intend to stick by that.

I grab my shit, lock up, and drive to Rhett’s place. He lives in town, in a residential area popular with local businessmen.

Rhett’s car is in the driveway of his gray, two-story home. The yard is immaculate—everything of Rhett’s is. He needs the outside world to see him as perfect because he’s such a mess inside. I ring the bell, and after waiting a few minutes, I ring it again. I know he’s here. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s watching me through the doorbell camera right now, so I look into it so he knows I’m onto him.

The door pulls open. Rhett’s shirtless and sweaty, hair damp with it, a towel slung over his shoulder, and he’s wearing shorts and running shoes.
