Page 100 of Beginnings

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“Alpha, I’d like to try checking her blood pressure and do another quick check of her heart, and then we’ll be happy to give you some time alone,” Jillian says.

I nod to give Jillian the okay. She unfolds the blood pressure cuff and wraps it around Olivia’s arm. It tightens, but thankfully, Olivia is motionless and silent this time. She also checks her heart and pulse one more time.

“Everything sounds good. She’s much calmer now. Do you have any questions before we go downstairs?”

“Can I lie next to her?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Thank you, both of you.”

“Of course, Alpha. Let us know immediately if you notice any concerning changes,” Max says.

The door closes, and I walk to the bed, taking her hand and kissing it. “Hey, beautiful. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Had I known, I never would have allowed it to happen. I wanted nothing more than to take it on myself. I’d do anything to be able to switch places with you right now. You’ll never know how grateful I am.”

I climb into the bed next to her, and place my forehead against her cheek, quietly stroking her hair. Leaning up on my forearm, I look at the curve of her neck, and touch the now healing mark. I lean down and kiss it gently, sending an amazing warmth through my body. It’s working. The mate bond is forming.

“I love you so much, Olivia.”

As I raise from her neck, I’m met with her gorgeous green eyes. I can see she’s struggling to barely keep them open. “Hey, you. I don’t think you’re supposed to be awake. You need to rest,” I say, but she continues to hold my gaze. “You know what? I needed to see your eyes too.” I lean in to kiss her ever so softly. She tries to kiss me back, but she’s just too weak.

“No, don’t try. It’s okay. You need to rest. Don’t worry. I won’t leave you alone. I’ll be here with you, just you and me, as much as possible.” I kiss her once more. “I want you to close your eyes and rest now.” She doesn’t seem to have the energy to continue to hold them open, and she gives in to the heaviness.

Staying in the bed with her, I watch over her the entire day, refusing to leave her for anything. My mom finally insists on bringing a sandwich to the bedroom to ensure that I have something to eat.

Around mid-evening there’s a knock on the bedroom door before it opens a crack. “Hey, Ethan. Can I come in for a minute?” Vanessa says.

“Yeah, come in.”

“How is she? That was terrifying.”

“It’s been the worst fucking day of my life. She’s better now. She’s just been resting.”

“Can she hear me?”

“I don’t know. I think she’s pretty much out right now.”

“Hey, Olivia. It’s Vanessa.” She takes her hand. “I just wanted to come and check on you. I’m not going to stay long. I just wantyou to know we’re all thinking about you. You stay strong, Liv.” She pats Olivia’s hand before turning her attention to me.

“How are you doing? You look like hell,” she says in typical Vanessa fashion.

“Thanks,” I say with my usual eye roll I reserve for her. “I’m okay, I guess. I just want to get through this. I can’t believe I almost lost her today, Vanessa.”

“I know, but you didn’t. She’s here, and I think she’s a fighter. Stay strong for her, Ethan.”

“I will,” I say with a nod.

“Good,” she says with a small smile. “I’m going to go, but just know that I’m thinking of you both. I love you, big brother.”

“I love you, too. Thanks for coming, Vanessa.”

Vanessa leaves and closes the door. Stroking Olivia’s hair and kissing her forehead, I whisper against her cheek, “You’re doing great, baby.”

There is a knock on the door again, followed by my mom’s voice. “Ethan, Max has gone home for the night. I have Jillian settled in the guest room across the hall, and I’m going to take the room downstairs.”

“Mom, you don’t have to stay. Go home with Dad and sleep in your bed.”

“Nonsense. You’re my son, and if I want to be here to support you, even in my sleep, I will do so.”
