Page 86 of Beginnings

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“Hey, sorry for making you wait,” I say, getting in Chloe’s car and putting on my seatbelt after rushing out the door.

“Hey,” she greets me with a little laugh.

“What’s so funny?”

“Your cheeks are flushed.”

“I know. I was running late this morning.” I sigh, trying to catch my breath.

“Uh huh. What exactly kept you so busy this morning?” she asks with a smile.

“Oh, I think you know,” I say with a laugh.

“Yes, I think I do. So, let me see the ring!” I hold my hand out and the diamond sparkles in the sunlight. “Olivia! This is gorgeous!”

“It really is. I love it.”

“Nick said he got the ring at Tiffany’s too.”

“He did,” I say with a warm smile.

“God, I love it! How big is this thing?” Chloe asks, turning my hand around to see it from all angles.

I laugh at her bluntness. “I’m not sure. I think it’s about three carats.”

“Well, it’s beautiful. I’m so happy for you.”

“Thanks, Chloe.”

“Have you set a date for the wedding?”

“Not yet. There’s really no rush. We’ll figure it out after the Luna ceremony.”

“Dark change of topic, but how are you feeling about your meeting with the council today?” Chloe asks.

I shake my head as a small knot forms in my stomach. “Let’s just say I’m glad to be talking about ball gowns to help keep my mind off things.”

Chloe touches my hand with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sorry. I wish I could be there to support you.”

“It’s okay.”

“My dad will be there as a medical expert.”

“Oh, I didn’t know. It’ll be nice to have a friendly face there.”

Chloe nods. “Yeah, I know he’ll try to push things in your favor in any way he can, but he’s worried it won’t be enough.”

“It’s okay. I’m prepared to accept whatever happens today.”

When we arrive at Camilla’s store, Caroline and Vanessa are already inside chatting with a petite woman with a dark brown, blunt bob resting just below her ears. She’s very chic in a black pencil skirt and a fitted white button-down shirt. She’s wearing four-inch red heels with lipstick to match. I wonder if she looks just as chic when she shifts into wolf form.

“Camilla, this is Ethan’s mate, Olivia. Olivia, this is my dear friend, Camilla,” Caroline introduces us when we arrive.

“Hello, Olivia. My goodness, darling, aren’t you just exquisite,” Camilla says, looking me up and down and turning me around in a circle. “Olivia, I am going to have so much fundressing you. However, ladies,” she pauses to look at all of us, “I understand Alpha is asking for a very tight turnaround time with the Luna celebration set for next Saturday. Is this a definite date?”
