Page 73 of Beginnings

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“Ethan has been so secretive the last few days. I hope your time here has been pleasant,” his mom says, raising an eyebrow at Ethan.

“It has, yes. Very much.” I smile at Ethan as he continues to hold my hand.

“Are they here?” A beautiful girl around my age with long, dark brown hair comes down the stairs and into the foyer. She shares the same brilliant green eyes as Caroline. “Is this her?” she asks with a smile.

“Vanessa, this is Olivia,” Ethan says. “Olivia, meet my sister, Vanessa.”

“Hi, Olivia,” she says, pulling me into a big hug. “I’ve been so excited to meet you.” She pulls back, looking me over. “So, you’re human, huh? Wow, you really are beautiful.”

“Vanessa, just—” Ethan gives her a look that should make her want to back off, but it has little effect.

“What? She is beautiful.” Vanessa smiles, shrugging her shoulders.

“It’s great to meet you, Vanessa,” I say with a giggle. I can already tell I’m going to like this girl.

“I’ve been dying to meet you, but Mr. Mysterious over here insisted we stay away.” Ethan rolls his eyes at his younger sister. “Olivia, we’re going to be sisters.” Vanessa squeals, squeezing me in a hug again.

“Let’s not make our future Luna stand in the foyer all night,” Edwin says.

“Yes, Ethan, why don’t the two of you get settled outside, and I’ll let the staff know we’re ready to bring the food out,” Caroline says, gesturing toward the kitchen.

“Come with me.” Ethan places his hand on the small of my back to lead me through the kitchen, where about five people are working on preparing food. When we reach the veranda, theback of the home is just as stunning as the front, with beautiful views of the lake and forest.

“The staff?” I ask as he pulls out my chair for me at the large, rustic, wooden table decorated with candles.

“They don’t always have a staff, but Mom likes to hire help for special occasions and important dinners so she can put her focus elsewhere,” Ethan says, sitting next to me.

Edwin, Caroline and Vanessa join us, and a buffet table off to the side is soon filled with a delicious spread of food. “There’s so much food,” I whisper to Ethan.

“We have big appetites,” he says with a smile. “Just wait until you’ve been turned. You’re going to want to eat more in general, but you’ll want to eat everything in sight in the beginning.” I’m looking forward to that with so much delectable food around. Two women come out and begin preparing plates and serving everyone.

“So, Olivia, how are you doing? I know this has all been a lot to take in,” Edwin says.

I squirm in my seat, knowing the inquisition portion of our evening is starting. “It’s been a challenge at times, but I’m doing better now.”

“I understand you’re good friends with Chloe Harper?” Caroline asks.

“Yes, Chloe and I have been best friends since our freshman year of college. She’s like a sister to me.”

“Yes, Max said you’re very special to their family,” Edwin says.

“They mean a lot to me as well. They accepted me as one of their own when my parents passed away in an accident a few years ago. I obviously didn’t know everything about them then, but we’ve been really close, nonetheless.” Ethan takes my hand, caressing it with his thumb under the table. Caroline studies me with a polite but judgmental smile.

“We’re so sorry for your loss, Olivia,” Edwin says. “I know we’ve just met, but you will soon be a part of our family, and I hope you know you can count on all of us.”

I feel a sense of comfort from Ethan’s dad, which thankfully, helps balance out the chilliness of his mother. “Thank you. That’s so kind of you. It means a lot.”

“What did you go to school for, Olivia?” Caroline asks.

“I have a master’s degree in elementary literacy education.”

“Oh, how wonderful. You’ll be able to implement some fantastic programming here in the pack as Luna.” She seems impressed for the first time this evening.

“I really hope so, yes.”

“It’s wonderful to see you have a passion that could help so many,” Caroline says, sounding pleased again.

“More importantly, do you like to shop?” Vanessa asks.
