Page 49 of Beginnings

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“It was my idea, Chloe. Trust me, everything is perfect.”

“Okay.” She nods and chews her bottom lip. “Well, good.”

Chloe and I finish our walk and it’s clear she’s completely avoiding a conversation about anything to do with the mate bond. I can’t shake the feeling something is off with her since telling her Ethan and I were intimate. I expected her to flip out with excitement, but her reaction was anything but, and I feel like what little enthusiasm she did show was forced purely for my benefit. She didn’t even ask anything about my reaction to seeing his wolf.


I breathe a sigh of relief when the door into the kitchen from the garage opens. She’s back. I know Chloe will look out for her, but I don’t truly trust her safety to anyone but myself. She smiles at me and I lift her chin. “Hey,” I say, kissing her gently. “Lunch is here. I finished sooner than expected.”

“Perfect, I’m so hungry,” she says, grabbing her stomach.

“You should be.” I give her a wink, but I catch Chloe glaring at me. Olivia must have told her what happened between us. I’m sure she’s going to have an opinion, but this isn’t any of her business.

“Chloe, are you okay?” Olivia asks. Chloe hasn’t said a single word through lunch. “You’re really quiet all of a sudden.”

Chloe puts her fork down and pushes her plate away. “You’re right, Liv. I’m sorry. I need to speak to Ethan. In private.”

Chloe and I are friends, but she’s not going to come into my home and challenge me on this. I look between Olivia’s confusion and Chloe’s glare, and nod, feeling my lips pressing tight. “We’ll be right back.” Chloe marches down the hall to my office as I follow, closing the door behind me.

“I heard what happened last night,” Chloe says.

“I figured she would tell you.”

“You know, I thought it was really sweet and responsible that you were waiting to have sex with her until after she knows all the information. Then I hear you showed her your wolf, and you had sex multiple times.”

“Chloe, when I choose to show my mate my wolf is none of your concern, and it’s certainly none of your fucking business when I decide to have sex with her.”

“Ethan, she’s my best friend. I care about what happens to her. You knew you would build a strong emotional bond with her by showing her your wolf, then adding sex to it…come on. All you did was tie her to you just that much more before she had the chance to make an informed decision for herself about how far she’s willing to go.”

“For fuck’s sake, Chloe…I didn’t force anything on her. Olivia was completely on board with what happened between us last night.”

“I don’t care. Now, if she decides this isn’t the life she wants, she’ll be in agonizing physical pain if she leaves you.”

“Walking away from me would cause her pain no matter what.”

“Yeah, but now it’ll be worse.”

“The sex was her idea, Chloe. What do you want me to say? Do you really expect me to ignore my primal urges for my mate when she tells me she wants me?” I yell in a whisper.

“Don’t pull that shit with me. You and I both know the sex wasn’t really her idea. Not the way you’re making it sound.”

“I’m fucking done being challenged by you, Chloe. I don’t answer to you. I’ve only entertained this conversation because you and I are friends, but I’m your fucking Alpha and I suggest you start acting like it.”

The office door suddenly flies open without warning, and we both turn in shock.

Olivia crosses her arms and shakes her head. “I don’t know what’s up with you two, but I would appreciate it if you would stop talking about me behind my back like I’m not even here.”

“Olivia,” I reach for her hand, but she pulls it away.

“Just stop, both of you. Tell me what the hell is going on. Now.”



Ethan’s expression is tight as he glares at Chloe. “Olivia, can we talk for a minute? In private?”

I nod toward Chloe. “Give us a minute.” She’s not exactly on my good side right now either. She clearly knows more than she’s shared with me. Chloe nods and leaves the office.
