Page 47 of Beginnings

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I tighten all the appropriate muscles to let him know I most definitely approve. That’s all he needs. He releases a deep growl, kissing me hard, as we move in sync. The pleasure that builds in my core is so intense it borders on ecstasy and agony, and I whimper as I try to cope with this new sensation.

“Stay with me, baby. Do you feel that?”

“Yes,” I barely manage to whisper.

“This is how fucking incredible we feel together. Only I can make you feel like this. Do you like how it feels when I fuck you like this?”

“God, yes,” I say as my orgasm explodes and I collapse onto his chest as he releases inside me. He pulls me down to lie next to him. I close my eyes, taking in his scent and enjoying the feeling of his warm skin against mine as we lie facing each other.

“I don’t know what you do to me, Ethan, but it’s never been like this for me before.”

“Good,” he says, with a possessive edge. “Not for me either.”

I support myself on one arm and raise an eyebrow at him. I can hardly believe that. I have a hard time imagining it isn’t just like this for him all the time.

“No,” he says, shaking his head. “Not like this, not like it is with you. It’s a whole new level with you, Olivia. I’ve never felt anything like I feel when I’m with you, physically or emotionally.”

“Good, because I think that would kind of piss me off.” I laugh a little.

He pulls me to him with a grin of satisfaction. “Wait, that would make you…what’s the word I’m looking for? Oh, yeah. Jealous.”

“Maybe I only want you to have those kinds of feelings about me,” I say, tracing his abs.

He lifts my chin up, only partially closing his eyes, and kissing me softly. “I know exactly how you feel. Thinking you’d been this intense with someone else would drive me fucking nuts.” He gets quiet for a minute. “So, it wasn’t like this with him, right?”

I laugh out loud. “Ethan, no. Nothing with him comes close to comparing to any part of what I have with you.”

He laces his fingers with mine and gives me a gentle kiss with his soft lips. “I think we need a shower. Come on.” He takes my hand and starts to get out of bed.

“I have a feeling we’ll come out dirtier than we went in.”

“Only if we’re doing it right.” He smiles with a lustful spark in his eyes, as he stands and pulls me to his chest, taking me with his lips.

He steps under the water first, wetting his skin and hair, his eyes never leaving mine. He moves aside, and his possessive hands explore my body as I step under the water. His eyes are focused on me as he steps forward. I shriek and wrap my arms around his neck as he unexpectedly lifts me up by my thighs, pressing me to the back wall of the shower with my legs wrapped around his waist. I release a gasping moan when he enters me. My back arches, giving him access to my breasts, and his hot tongue is unrelenting against my skin. I’m completely at his mercy, swimming in a flood of pleasure as he takes his time. I shatter around him and he releases shortly after with a deep growl that vibrates from his chest. His lips possess me while I try to catch my breath for the third time this morning.

As I’m getting out of the shower, I squeal and laugh when I feel the playful sting of his hand on my ass. I wrap a towel around me because I know if I stay naked, I’m not making it past the four walls of this bedroom today.

Standing on my tiptoes, I give him a soft kiss. “I’ll see you in a little bit,” I say, starting to walk out of the room.

He gently grabs my wrist, pulling me back to him. “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to the other bathroom to finish getting ready. All my things are in there. I’ll see you downstairs.” I give him a quick kiss and turn to walk away as he groans, reluctantly letting me go.


I’m already downstairs with breakfast waiting when Olivia comes down. “I know you said you aren’t a big breakfast person, so I got you some yogurt and fruit. You should probably eat a little something.” She has to be hungry after last night and this morning. “You’re welcome to share my breakfast if you’re hungry for more,” I say, lifting the lid on my tray to reveal a full breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

“The yogurt and fruit are perfect. Thank you,” she says, sitting down at the kitchen island.

“So,” I say with a sigh, “are you still up for discussing the mate bond today?” It’s about the last conversation I want to have with her right now. Things are going so well, but I know it has to be done.

“Absolutely. I want to know everything there is to know. I’d still like to have Chloe here, if that’s okay?”

“Yeah, definitely. Unfortunately, I have some urgent things I have to take care of for work and the pack this morning. It really can’t wait, but I’ll just be here in my home office. Do you want to have Chloe over to hang out and have lunch? I should be done soon after that.”

“That sounds great. I’ll text her.” While she texts Chloe, I contemplate how I’m going to approach such a difficult topic with her. “Chloe will be here soon.”

“Okay, good.” I’m not a nervous person. I’m always in control, but I have to admit, discussing the mate bond with Olivia has my stomach in a knot. I can only hope that our intimacy has bonded us to the point that she won’t want to walk away from me. “I’m sorry I have to work,” I say as we clean up from breakfast. “I’d much rather spend my time with you. I promise you’ll have my full attention as soon as possible.”
