Page 34 of Beginnings

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“I like that you would do anything to keep me safe, that you demand respect for me. I like that you want me all to yourself.”

I can’t control my hunger for her any longer. My lips are on hers as I lift her up and press her against the wall. My erection pulses in my jeans when she wraps her legs around my waist. I press her to me, leaving no space between us as I trail soft and sensual kisses from her lips down her neck, inhaling her scent as I kiss and nibble the valley of her neck. A soft moan leaves her throat, intensifying my desire as I take her lips again. When we pull apart, we search each other’s eyes while we catch our breath.

“Come and stay with me.”

“It’s too soon, Ethan. I can’t move into your house.”

“Yes, you can. You can have your own room if that’s an issue. Don’t tell me no. I need you, Olivia.” I crash my mouth to hers again and I can’t contain my growl as she wraps her hands tighter around the back of my neck. When I release her for air, my eyes pierce hers. “Come home with me.”




“Yeah?” he asks with a grin. “Are you serious? You will?”

I smile and nod. “Yes.” I’m done fighting this. I can’t do it anymore. I need this man in my life. I want to be with him.

“You won’t regret this. We’re going to be fucking incredible together.” He claims me with his lips again. “I promise we’ll take things slow until you know everything there is to know about being with me.”

“I should probably pack some things if I’m going to stay with you for a while.”

Ethan nods, sliding me back down so my feet are on the ground. “Just so you know, I fully intend on this being more than just a while,” he says, kissing me gently before backing away.

I touch his chest with my hand, feeling the warmth spread through my body. “Let’s just start small. Okay?”

He nods. “Let’s get you packed.”

After packing enough clothing to most definitely stay longer than just a while, Ethan loads my luggage into his BMW.

“Should we call Nick and Chloe and see if they’d like to join us for dinner at my house? We could order a couple of pizzas from this great little pizzeria in Pinewood called Polly’s,” Ethan suggests as we get on the road back toward Pinewood.

“Yeah, that sounds great.”

“Okay, I’ll make the calls,” Ethan says with a smile.

Polly’s is in the town square, similar to any small town. The area is charming and quaint, with little shops and restaurants filling the square. Through the window, I can see the inside of Polly’s has red retro booths with red and white checkered tablecloths.

“I’ll be right back,” he says with a smile.

While Ethan is inside getting the pizza, I imagine what it might be like if things go well with him, and this is my home. I can see Chloe and me shopping in the boutiques and grabbing coffee or wine at one of the cafés. Ethan and I could go to dinner at a romantic restaurant or catch a movie at the outdoor movie theatre in the park. I picture us snuggling together under a blanket, with me secure in his arms.

I can’t help but notice the playground equipment not far from the movie screen. What if Ethan and I were to have children? We could play with our children in the park and then go for pizza at Polly’s. Ethan would be a fiercely loving and protective dad. How would that even work, though? Can a werewolf and a human even have children together? I’ve always wanted to be a mother. That’s not something I’m willing to sacrifice. Is adoption a possibility? I’ve always thought love makes a family, not DNA. I could definitely see myself loving a child that isn’t my own. I shake my head and take a deep breath, knowing I’m getting ahead of myself.

“Olivia?” Ethan touches me on the leg when he gets back in the car. “Are you okay?”

I smile and nod. “I was just noticing how nice it is here. It’s a lovely little town.”

“I’m glad you like it so far.” He smiles. “Sounds like we’re off to a good start.”

We arrive at Ethan’s house within a few minutes, and two men in suits are waiting for us. They open the car doors for us, and Ethan makes the introductions.

“Hello,” I say politely to both of them. They both nod and greet me respectfully.

“Gentlemen, please take Olivia’s belongings to her room.”

“Of course, Alpha.” Both men nod and follow their orders. While they carry my luggage to my room, Chloe and Nick arrive.
