Page 30 of Beginnings

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Nick nods. “You showed her a day late, though. She thinks you sat on the information to use it to your advantage.”

“Do I want her with me? Fuck yes, I do. Was I willing to use that footage to achieve that? Yeah, but I also wanted to avoid her having to experience the hurt she’s going through right now.”

Nick shakes his head with a sigh. “This mate bond has you all fucked up right now. It’s clouding your judgment,” he says with another sigh. “She’ll come around, though. We both know how this works. It’s already written in stone. It’s going to happen.”

“She’s mine, Nick. I feel like I can’t fucking breathe without her. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“I know you will. Listen, you need to blow off some steam. Let’s shift and go for a run.”

“You don’t really think I’m going to go for a run while she’s in the same room with that asshole, do you?”

“I had a feeling you weren’t going to let this go.”

“Do you know the way to Colin’s house?”


I grab my keys and head for the door. “Let’s go. I’m driving.”


“Did Colin respond to your text?” Chloe asks.

“Yeah, I told him it’s an emergency. He’ll be there.”

As we round the corner, Colin’s home is in sight. My stomach churns at the thought of seeing the man who isn’t at all who I thought he was.

“Do you want me to wait in the car?” Chloe asks.

“Actually, would you come in with me? I could use the support.”

“Of course.” Chloe nods. “Are you ready?”

I take a deep breath and then release a heavy sigh. “I’m ready. Let’s go”

Chloe and I walk up the steps, and I knock on the large front door before opening it and walking inside. “Hello? Colin, are you here?”

“Coming,” I hear him call from the kitchen. “Hey,” he says as he rounds the corner into the foyer looking so handsome in navy blue shorts and a white polo which shows off his dark tan. He’s clearly been on the golf course. “Oh. Hi, Chloe,” he says with a look of surprise. “Babe, what’s going on? What’s the emergency?”

I can see his bedroom straight down the hallway from where I’m standing. Any guilt I had over kissing Ethan suddenly disappears. My chest burns when I think about the fact that Colin had sex last night and it wasn’t with me. I was going to marry this man. Anything good we once shared is now ruined by the ugly images that will forever be burned into my brain.

I open my mouth to speak when the front door flies open behind me. I close my eyes, already knowing who it is. My fistsclench in anger at my sides as I turn to see Ethan walking in like he owns the place, with Nick following closely behind.

Colin’s face goes red with anger. “You! What the fuck are you doing here?”

“I’m here to be sure you don’t try to talk your way out of this.”

“I told you to stay away,” I say, poking Ethan in the chest with my finger. Just the slightest bit of contact sends warmth through my body.

Ethan shakes his head and crosses his arms. “Not fucking happening.”

Colin faces me, shaking his head as he drags his hands over his face. “Olivia, what the fuck is he talking about? Talk my way out of what?”

“Well, Colin, why don’t you tell me?”

“Olivia, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Let’s not play games here. Just tell me what you have to say.” He crosses his arms and leans up against the wall.

“Liv,” Nick says, holding the iPad out for me, ready to go. I can’t look at it again. It sickens me. I hand Colin the iPad. His face reddens and his eyes flash at me with guilty anger as he looks through the photos.
