Page 23 of Beginnings

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“What’s going on?”

“Olivia texted me this morning,” Chloe says.

“Then you know I’ll be picking her up in a little bit. I’m bringing her here to talk about our future.”

“That’s the thing. She asked me to tell you she’s not able to make it now.”

Heat rises from my core, boiling in my chest, but I remind myself not to jump to conclusions. Stupidly, I didn’t give her myphone number, so this could be about anything. “Why not? Is she okay?”

“I think she’s fine. She didn’t say why she decided to cancel. I’m supposed to pick her up at 1:00 for a spa day.”

I clench my fists as I try to control the venom I feel coursing through my veins. There’s no way she’s canceling on me because she suddenly feels the need for a spa day. “He got to her. Didn’t he?”

“Ethan, I really don’t know anything. I swear,” Chloe says.

“It’s the only explanation. She and I were on the same page last night.”

“I’m sorry,” Chloe says. “I don’t know what else to say.”

“Fuck!” I drag my hands down my face while I shake my head in pissed off frustration. “She was ready to talk about us. Something happened. She probably let her guilty fucking conscience take over again. She must have told him and he talked her out of coming. Fuck!”

“Ethan, we don’t know what happened. I really doubt that she told Colin,” Chloe says.

“I’ve had enough of this shit. She’s mine! That’s all there is to it. I don’t give up what’s mine. It’s time for me to go deliver a message to Colin fucking Burke.”

“No, no, no,” Chloe says. “You’ll only piss her off if you go after him.”

“She’s right, dude. You’ve got to calm down,” Nick agrees. “Remember how I said the mate bond is going to make you feel out of control? I think you’re experiencing that right now.”

“What the fuck do you suggest I do then? I’m the fucking Alpha! I will not be denied my mate!”

“No one is suggesting that,” Nick says. “Chloe can talk to her when they meet this afternoon.”

“Yeah, I’ll figure out what’s going on,” Chloe says.

I shake my head and pace the room. “No. You’ll do one better than that.”

“What are you talking about?” Chloe asks.

“When you go to pick her up, you’ll bring her here.”

Chloe’s mouth drops open and she blows out a heavy sigh. “Ethan…I don’t like deceiving her.”

“Bring her to me, or I go to Burke.”

“I don’t even know how I’d trick her into it. I think she’ll notice that we’re driving out into the middle of nowhere.”

“I didn’t say you have to trick her. I’d rather you just fucking tell her. Find a way, Chloe. She doesn’t get to blow me off.”

“She’s going to be pissed when she gets here.”

“I can handle a pissed off Olivia. Just bring her to me.”

Nick looks at Chloe and nods. “Just get her here. Please. I’ll calm him down.” Chloe shakes her head before turning to walk out the door.


Chloe texts when she arrives and I head downstairs to meet her. This is exactly what I need. I know talking through things with Chloe will help. A spa treatment never hurts either.
