Page 22 of Beginnings

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“What do you suggest?”

“Tomorrow. I’ll pick you up around 11:00. We’ll go to my house so we can talk. You need to have a full understanding of what’s happening between us.” She hesitates, and for a second, I’m sure she’s going to turn me down.


“Yeah? You’ll come to my house tomorrow?” I can’t keep the wide grin from spreading across my face. I know she feels what’s happening between us, and this just proves it.

“Yes—to talk. Thank you for bringing me home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” She kisses me on the cheek, then quickly puts space between us. It’s cute that she thinks she’s just going to smile and walk away from me.

“Come here.” I catch her arm before she can leave and pull her into my chest. I splay my hands on her back while her soft breasts push into my chest. I take her lips in a kiss that’s gentle and soft, but I know my hold on her body is tight and possessive. I may be a gentleman, but she needs to know I mean it when I say she’s mine. She’s wide eyed, breathless, and beautiful when we pull apart. “Tomorrow, 11:00,” I say just above a whisper. She nods, then walks away to go inside the building. I smile when I see her watching me from the lobby window as I walk to my car. If things go as planned tomorrow, the next time I’m here will be to pack her things, and bring her home to Pinewood.


Once back in my apartment, I pause to look at the pictures of Colin and me on the refrigerator, but somehow my thoughts just drift back to kissing Ethan. I can’t deny there’s a fire I feel with Ethan I’ve never felt with Colin, and Colin did nothing to show me how he feels about me tonight. Actually, maybe he did. It’s just not how I want him to feel about me.

I don’t know if I’m making the right decision by going to Ethan’s house tomorrow. My mind hasn’t even begun to process the fact that werewolves exist, let alone Ethan, Nick, and Chloe all being members of this secret society, but I don’t know if I can fight the pull toward him much longer.



Ican’t do it. God, I want to, but I can’t go to Ethan’s house. What was I thinking? That’s just it. I wasn’t thinking. Agreeing to go back there is just proof that I’m a reckless fool around him, but my head is clear this morning. I have to cancel. He probably isn’t going to take it well, but what I’ve been doing isn’t acceptable. I have to settle things with Colin one way or the other. This isn’t fair to him. I’m actually thankful I don’t have Ethan’s number right now. If I talk to him I know he’ll change my mind.


Chloe—long story…would you please tell Ethan I’m sorry, but I can’t come to his house today?


What?? More info please!!


We need to talk. Will you tell him?


I’ll relay the message. Spa day?


Thank you, and yes.


I’ll pick you up at 1:00.


Perfect. See you then.


Nick and I are having a brief security meeting this morning before I go to pick up Olivia, but I’m surprised when I open the door and Chloe is with him. “Hey, Chloe. I wasn’t expecting to see you this morning.”

“Yeah…hi.” She looks at Nick, and he cocks his head and raises his eyebrows.

“Just get it over with,” Nick says.
