Page 126 of Beginnings

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“You will update me immediately.”

“Of course.” Max nods as he turns to run inside.

We’ve only been sitting in the waiting room for ten minutes when Max rushes out. My stomach sinks and my heart leaps into my throat. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s good news. She’s awake, and she’s asking for you, Alpha.”

I let out a massive sigh of relief. “Take me to her.”

“Right this way.”

I open the door to see her lying on the gurney, inclined and supported by pillows. We make eye contact, and sheimmediately releases a hard sob, holding her arms out to me. I’m by her side in the matter of a couple of quick strides. I lean down to kiss her as she pulls me to her. I turn my head to look at Max. “Will I hurt her? Is anything broken?”

“She’s very fortunate. Other than some cuts and bruises, which will heal on their own, there isn’t anything obvious. Just be gentle.”

Nodding, I lean over to wrap my arms around her carefully. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” She leans back from me, searching my eyes. “Max says you saw what happened. Thank God, you were there. You saved my life. He was going to kill me, Ethan. I know he was.”

I shudder at the thought of that asshole with his hands on her, abusing her and treating her like she’s nothing. “He won’t get away with this,” I promise through gritted teeth.

She looks around me to lock eyes with Max. “Max…the baby? Will the baby be okay?”

“I was just getting ready to bring in a sonogram cart. I wanted to assess you for critical injuries first. We believe your head endured most of the trauma, but you seem to be doing well. We’ll check everything out thoroughly. We can start with a sonogram and then move on to imaging.”

“Yes, please. Can we do it now?” she asks.

“Of course. I’ll be right back.”

“The baby’s going to be fine. I can just feel it. Don’t worry, okay?” I say, kissing her on the forehead. She nods, taking my hand in hers.

Max is back within two minutes with a sonogram machine. “Let’s check to be sure baby is doing just fine.” The nurse helps get Olivia into position, and I hold her hand as he drizzles the warm gel over her abdomen. It isn’t long after Max starts searching her abdomen with the wand that I hear the mostwelcome sound I’ve ever heard. Our baby’s heartbeat. I look at Olivia and she already has tears running down her cheeks. My lips meet hers in a kiss that breathes relief into both of us, and I rest my forehead against hers as I listen to the proof of our amazing creation.

“Everything looks fantastic here,” Max says with a smile. He takes some measurements and prints out a few pictures for us. “I hate to ruin the happy moment, but now that we know everything is okay with the baby, may I go ahead and order x-rays and imaging for your head, Olivia?”

“Yes,” I answer for her, while she smiles and nods simultaneously.

“Don’t worry. We’ll take all the extra precautions to keep the baby safe. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Max says, leaving us.

“Baby,” I lift her chin to look at me. “I need you to talk to me. Please. Can you try?”

She nods, takes a deep breath, then takes me through the sequence of events, starting with feeling him touch her in her sleep. “I don’t know how he got in or where he came from because I was sleeping. He wants me dead, Ethan. He doesn’t want me to have your baby, and he wants to kill me. He wants to kill our baby.” She breaks into sobs again against my chest. “How did he even get in the house with all the extra security?”

“They were drugged. Two of the guards were unconscious on the ground. He shot them with tranquilizing darts then he broke the lock on the back door. Nick is making arrangements to get everything cleaned up at the house. We’re going to find him, and when we do, we’re going to fucking kill him.” I draw her to my chest and she clings to me.

When I pull back to look at her, wiping her tears, she asks, “Did you find out how he got into the celebration last night?”

“After reviewing security footage, it looks like he snuck up on our guard at the service entrance, and injected him withsomething. Once past him, he knocked out a food service staff member, stole their clothes and snuck in that way. He was wearing a hat at the time, so everyone believed he was the same service worker who left a few minutes prior.”

“Are all these guards who have been drugged going to be okay?”

“The guard from last night is fine, and the guys back at the house are seeing to it that they get medical care. Right now, I’m worried about you. You come first.”

She shivers. “I’m scared, Ethan. He’s just going to keep coming back for me.”

“We’re going to find him. When we do, we’ll take care of him once and for all. I want to be the one who looks into his eyes as the life drains out of him. He’s fucking mine.”

