Page 122 of Beginnings

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Chloe and I nod. “Yes,” I manage to whisper.

As Nick tries to push Ian to move forward, he fights back, and Nick tackles him to the ground. The crowd gasps and parts, getting Ethan’s attention, as Nick pins Ian on the floor. Ethan sprints through the crowd and is by my side within seconds, followed immediately by Lance and three other security team members.

Nick visibly tightens his hold. “What the fuck are you trying to do here, Ian?”

“I wouldn’t miss the beautiful Olivia becoming Luna.” Ian chuckles. “Just think, Olivia, you could have been doing this with me instead.”

“Get him the fuck out of here and detain him,” Ethan growls, pulling me close to his side.

Lance helps Nick stand Ian up, but Ian struggles against them. “What the hell? Are you fucking on something?” Nicks says as he and Lance fight to keep a hold of him.

Ian suddenly breaks free of their tight grip and immediately comes at Ethan. He attempts to throw a punch at Ethan, but his aim is off amid the chaos. That’s when I feel the thunderous strike on the side of my face and hear the screams that break out in the room. My ears are ringing, not even realizing at the moment I’m on the ground. I see a scuffle in front of me as I try to get up, while Chloe hurries to my side.

“Get him the fuck out of here! Now!” Ethan commands through gritted teeth, shaking out his hand after presumably punching Ian.

“It should have been me with the special mate! You don’t fucking deserve her!” Ian struggles against two of Ethan’s guards.

“The baby!” Chloe says with a gasp next to me on the ground. “Are you okay, Liv?”

“Baby?” Ian spits out as he continues to struggle. “Over my fucking dead body will another one of him be brought into this world!” His face is covered in pure evil. He continues to fight, somehow kneeing one of the guards in the groin, then breaking free from the other guard. He sprints through the crowd, shoving anyone in his way as he escapes out the back entrance with Ethan’s security in pursuit.

“Do not fucking let him get away! Catch that motherfucker!” Ethan roars.

“What the hell is wrong with him?” Chloe asks, still at my side.

“He’s fucking crazy.” Ethan kneels to look at me with panic in his eyes. “We need to get you up and checked by a doctor. I’m so sorry. I never should have left you on your own.”

Ethan and Nick help me to stand. “It’s not your fault.”

“The fuck it isn’t,” he says. “I should have been by your side. Nick, thanks for keeping an eye on her and jumping in.”

“Of course,” Nick says. “I’m going to send out a message to the guys. Dude…his strength. He had to be on something. We couldn’t keep a hold of him.”

“Fuck,” Ethan says, shaking his head. “I don’t know how he got in here in the first place, but heads are going to fucking roll when I find out.” Ethan is fuming as they escort me to the same room I used to get ready earlier today.

Chloe’s dad rushes in to check me for injuries while Ethan paces the room. I have a pounding headache and my face is killing me, but I’m able to pass the series of tests Max feels are necessary to check for a concussion.

“She’s getting quite a bruise, but I think she’s going to be okay otherwise,” Max reports to Ethan.

“What about the baby, Max? Do we need to be worried?” I ask.

“It’s really early and your fall didn’t impact the abdomen, so I don’t believe so,” Max says. “This is wonderful news, by the way.”

Ethan lets out a long sigh. “Okay, good. And thanks, Max.” He turns his attention to me. “Do you feel like staying? I’m happy to take you home if you’d prefer.”

“No way. I’m not letting him ruin this night for us. I’ve been thinking about dancing with you in this dress since the momentI put it on, and that’s exactly what I plan to do. We have so much to celebrate tonight.”

Ethan cups my cheeks in his hands. “You’re incredible. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too. Just give me a couple of minutes and we’ll get back to our celebration.”

Edwin and Caroline rush into the room. “Olivia, are you okay?” Edwin asks, both of them with a look of concern on their faces.

“I’ll be okay. I just need a few minutes.”

“I’ve talked to my brother about this, and they send their deepest apologies.” Edwin kneels to take my hand. “Olivia, I promise you my family isn’t all bad. Charles, Bonnie, and Josh are good people. Ian is troubled, and Charles is very upset about the turmoil his son is causing. We are so sorry you have been the target of his chaos.”

“I know, Edwin. It’s okay. I can tell they were here tonight with good intentions.” Edwin kisses my hand and stands. My heart hurts for him because I can see the heaviness and guilt he’s carrying for the trouble his nephew has caused.
