Page 98 of Steel Queen

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Surprised, I sat up straighter, wondering who it could be.

“Yes?” I called as a sliver of anxiety snaked around me. It was always creepy to be left alone in these big office complexes.

The door opened and Noah walked in.

Relief spread through me at once. It wasn’t a psycho serial murderer who’d loitered into my office complex looking for his next kill.Me and my overhyped imagination, I thought wryly.

“Are you planning on coming to work tomorrow?” Noah asked.

His rolled-up sleeves and crumpled white shirt told me he’d been hard at work as well. Warmth spread through me as I realized he was keeping me company through these late hours.

“Of course, I’ll be coming to work tomorrow,” I answered him.

“It’s time to go home, then,” he said, walking around the desk to reach me.

“There’s still so much left to do,” I moaned.

Noah chuckled. “You’ll never be done. There are more than twenty subsidiaries under Amhurst Co. All you can do is prioritize. And maybe hire a few more PAs to take over some of the tasks.”

Another moan escaped me. My compulsive nature to finish all tasks left me feeling frustrated and itchy. Why couldn’t there be more hours in a day?

“Come on,” said Noah. “The last thing you ate was a sandwich and coffee this afternoon. I doubt you would’ve even eaten that if Corey didn’t force you.”

My stomach groaned at the mention of food, reminding me how hungry I was.

Noah chuckled, looking down at me with an easy expression.

I couldn’t believe how much he’d changed over the past few weeks.

There was no longer any strain in our relationship. Noah was supportive and caring, never giving me a reason to fear him.

Two weeks passed since I took over Brian’s office. In all honesty, I’d have been a mess without him supporting me with all the decisions I had to make.

I couldn’t believe he was the same guy who filled me with terror. He made me hate him so much I never thought I could be in the same room with him without fighting or cursing.

“Come on, Milla,” he said. “Let’s go eat something and go to bed. We won’t make it to work tomorrow if we don’t leave now.”

I closed my laptop and pushed back my chair.

“Want to go to that late-night Chinese restaurant?” I asked, packing up my bag and rearranging all the folders on my desk.

“Sure,” he said. “I’m craving some hot noodles right now.”

“I know what you mean,” I said, grabbing my jacket. “My diet mostly consisted of cup noodles during my college years. The best stuff to eat after a hard day.”

“You always worked more than anyone I know,” he said, taking my hand. His fingers pushed between mine, securing his hold.

The gesture sent warmth tingling up my arm and spreading deep inside, driving away the chill of the night.

Even though it was past midnight and the underground car park was eerily empty and quiet, I felt no anxiety or fear. Noah’s presence was enough to make me feel safe.

Getting into his car, I settled down on the passenger seat beside him and took out my phone to peruse the menu of Panda Hut, the Chinese restaurant we were heading to. With the way my stomach was cramping and groaning with hunger, there would be no time to waste on making decisions.

Noah drove us out of the gates and soon, we were flying through the empty city streets.

“Don’t fall asleep,” Noah’s voice jerked me awake.

I sat up straighter, forcing my eyes to stay open. The warmth of the car and his presence were so relaxing, it was difficult to stay awake.

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