Page 185 of Steel Queen

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The smallest movement sent flares of pain through my body. At this point, I didn’t even know how many punches and kicks I took from them.

All I remembered was the sight of Milla struggling against Luke as he dragged her inside his car. The men carried my limp body into one of the trucks and brought me into this underground cellar.

There were times when I heard Milla’s voice mingled with that of Luke and his dad. I couldn’t make out their exact words but was sure they were threatening her.

I wanted to call out to her but didn’t want to risk taking another kick to the gut. My body felt so beaten, I was afraid there were several broken bones. I needed to get us both out of this mess but my body needed to rest a little.

We needed to wait until the right opportunity came our way.

I couldn’t tell how much time passed since they brought us here. Hours could’ve passed while I lay still, doing my best to recover from their ruthless beating. The underground cell made it impossible for me to tell whether a new day had dawned.

Suddenly, I became aware of the sound of my own erratic breathing. There were no voices or feet moving around me.

What was happening? Why did everything go so quiet? Where were the men guarding me?

I slowly opened my eyes, but it was difficult because they were almost swollen shut. There was no one in the cell. I focused harder, realizing the whole underground place was quiet and still.

I moved my head toward the barred gate, swallowing a pained gasp. There was no lock, in fact, the gate was left slightly ajar.

Did they think I was too injured to move?I wondered, forcing my body to sit up straight.

Crawling to the gate, I grasped the bars. Gasps and groans escaped me as my body screamed in protest.

This was my one chance to get out of this shithole and take Milla with me. Gritting my teeth against the pain, I stood up on tottering feet.

Pain was like a constant fire, licking at every inch of my body as I hobbled out of the cell.

No one was around. The black-clad men were gone.

“Milla?” I called out but the sound that came out was a barely audible rasp.

Holding the rough walls for support, I dragged my body down the hallway, hoping she was still here.

Relief surged through me when I found Milla in a cell further down the narrow corridor.

“Milla,” I called in a hoarse, hopeful rasp.

She didn’t stir.

They’d bound her to a chair with thick ropes. That explained why no one bothered to lock up her cell. They’d made sure she wasn’t going anywhere.

Pushing the barred gate, I entered the tiny cell and took a closer look at her.

Milla’s head hung low, her long blond hair curtaining her face from my view.

My gaze raked over her arms and hands. Apart from a few scrapes and bruises from the tight ropes, there were no visible signs of injury on her.

Extending my hands, I gently lifted her head.

Her skin was pale but there were no marks or bruises on her cheeks.

Thank god, I thought with relief. Luke hadn’t hurt her yet.

Holding her shoulder gently, I shook her. “Milla,” I rasped. “Wake up.”

She woke with a wild look in her eyes. It was a moment before she recognized me.

“Oh, no,” she said in a trembling voice. “They hurt you so badly.” She tried to move her arm but realized she was still bound to the chair.

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