Page 16 of Soulmates

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I exploded, shuddering as I fought to keep my balance while my stomach crunched and released in rapid succession, my abs rising and falling as the strong orgasm ripped through me. I pressed my hands against the wall of the shower and waited until the contractions faded and the shudders reduced to tremors.

Fuck, what was that?

I finished up, toweled myself dry, and scrounged through my clothes for something that could be considered sexy, my knees trembling slightly every so often. I knew there wasn’t much choice, as my normal wear consisted of shorts or jeans, tee shirts, and bikinis for the beach. Finally I came across a light blue summer dress with a large plumeria print. I bought the dress on a whim last summer but wore it only once because the low neckline exposed more of my cleavage than I wanted people to see.

I pulled the dress off the hanger and sniffed it. The closet smell was barely discernible. It’ll have to do.

After spreading the dress on my bed, I put on a fresh pair of panties and I was in the process of hooking up my bra when a new thought occurred to me. What if I didn’t wear any bra? Would that be sexy?

No, Tay-Tay,that new voice in my head said. That would be considered naughty, but you’d like to be naughty for a change, don’t you?

I used to not bother wearing a bra when I was just at home until my dad scolded me, saying it wasn’t appropriate for the guests to see me braless, especially once I turned sixteen and my boobs were suddenly like, just there.

With a new sense of daring, I removed my bra and, after pausing for a second, peeled off my panties. I folded my underwear neatly and placed them back in the drawer, then pulled the dress over me and looked at myself in the mirror.

Was this sexy enough for Miles? And how the hell was I supposed to seduce him? I had been churning over the possibilities until my brain started to hurt, like for real kind of hurt, something I didn’t even know was possible until now. I was so over my head with all this.

Fuck it. I had no plan, but it was time to get moving.

I took a deep breath, left my room, and headed to the dining area. The local guests had already finished dinner. Miles and dad were the only ones left. They seemed to be getting along well enough by the number of empty beer bottles surrounding them.

“Tay-Tay, there you are!” Dad said. “Come and eat.”

Miles turned and smiled at me, his deep blue eyes piercing through me, and for a second I was sure, just freakin sure he knew somehow I wasn’t wearing any underwear, and my heart jumped in my chest.

Impossible,I thought, yet somehow I could not shake off the feeling that he knew.

“Chicken again, dad? Really?”

“Fine, tomorrow I’ll let you cook.”

“Dad, you know I can’t cook,” I said, getting a plate and taking only a portion of what I normally got. I was hungry, but with my nerves practically jumping out of my skin I didn’t trust myself to eat a lot.

“It’s time you learn, Tay. You’re not going to be staying here forever.”

“I’ll survive.”

I hesitated, debating where to sit, then moved past Miles and sat down two feet away from him, but on his side of the table.

“You guys done already?” I said, noting the empty plates.

“Yeah, Miles and I have been reminiscing about the good old days. Is that all you’re going to eat?”

“Yeah,” I said. “I’m not that hungry.”

“Alright. I’m gonna put the food away and do the dishes.”

“I’ll help,” Miles said, getting up.


“Don’t be silly,” dad said as he started cleaning up. “You’re a guest, remember? Just go keep my daughter company, will you?”

“Alright,” Miles said, sitting back down. “So, Taylor…”

“You can call me Tay, or Tay-Tay,” I said. “Everyone else does, except my parents when they’re upset at me.”

Miles laughed. “Does that happen often?”

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