Page 14 of Soulmates

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“Amazingly delicious food, John,” I said between mouthfuls. It was amazing. There was something about the local, homemade cooking that brought back a lot of good memories from when I was growing up in Honolulu, and for the first time I realized how much I missed being in Hawaii.

I had a pleasant chat with John and the other guests, but my mind kept going back to Taylor. When she didn’t show up halfway through dinner I couldn’t help myself. I had to know.

“So John, your daughter doesn’t usually join you for dinner?” I asked as casually as I could.

“She does, but sometimes she goes out with her friends.” His face took on a puzzled expression. “Though usually she lets me know when she leaves.”

I debated telling him about Taylor fainting, but I didn’t quite trust myself to not give anything away. The memory of catching her and holding her next to me as I carried her to my room, concern and arousal clashing in me, was still fresh in my mind.

“Maybe she’s not feeling well,” I said cautiously.

“Tay-Tay? Nah, she hardly ever gets sick. I’m sure she’s fine. I’ll just make a plate for her. She can eat it later.”

I nodded, the mystery of this girl deepening. What could cause a perfectly healthy girl to faint in front of me? We were just chatting. What was it about? Marriage and divorce. Yes, that was it. She had mentioned her parents were divorced, that her mom took off with some lawyer guy.

Then what?

She seemed shocked to hear I was married. Was that the reason? But why would my marriage have such an effect on her? We had just met. She had no idea I even existed before today.

I had to get to the bottom of this.

After dinner had finished and everyone else left, John and I stayed for a while. He brought the cooler in, parked it between us, and we drank a whole lot of beer while catching up and reminiscing about old times. While I enjoyed John’s company, my unanswered questions surrounding his daughter bugged me, and I was glad when Taylor finally appeared.

I wasn’t just glad. I was ecstatic.

When I turned my head and saw her walking toward us, looking absolutely stunning in her blue dress, I realized one other thing beside being ecstatic at seeing her.

I had a fucking hard-on.

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