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“My point is that we need to be professional over the next 30 days. I’ll be spending a lot of time interviewing you, and sex is not going to happen during that time, Eli. I really don’t want people thinking the reason I got the byline was because I was fucking you.”

“Yeah, I get it.”

She wrapped her arms around herself and paced a few steps. “But I do have a proposal for you.”

“Sorry, I can’t agree to a marriage without knowing it will end in consummation,” he said, the corner of his mouth lifting into a half smile.

Holly glared at him. “Do you want to hear this or not?”

He leaned back on his elbows and gave a quick nod. “I do.”

“Oh my lord,” she muttered. “Eli—”

“Sorry, Wilkes. You know I love teasing you,” he said, his eyes twinkling. “Go on.”

“Tonight...” she took a deep breath. “Tonight, I propose that we get everything out of our systems. And then we go on like nothing ever happened when dawn comes tomorrow.”

He stared at her for so long without replying she started to get nervous.

“Is that what you need?” he asked finally, all traces of humor gone from his eyes. “An end date?”

“Isn’t this what you want? Sex with no strings? That’s kind of your deal, Donnelley. It’salwaysbeen your deal.”

He didn’t answer her right away, glancing down at the floor for a moment before lifting his gaze back to her face. “You didn’t answer my question. I want to know if it’s what you need.”

She swallowed. “Yes.”

He ran a hand slowly down along his beard, a thoughtful look on his face. “Okay. I’ll give you whatever you need, Wilkes.”

Eli reached out and took her hand, skimming the inside of her wrist with his thumb. “I have a request of my own, though.”

His light touch made her shiver. “Which is?”

“Tonight, I want all of you, Holly. I don’t want you holding back on me in any way.”

“I can do that.”

“Then I should be upfront about a few things,” he said. “My last negative test was ten days ago, and I haven’t slept with anyone since. I always use a condom. I don’t go down on strangers, and if someone is going down on me, it’s with protection. No exceptions.”

“My last test was a few months ago, and it was good. I haven’t been with anyone since then,” she said, lifting her shoulder.

He tugged her toward him, then ran his hands down along her back, stopping just above her ass. “We’re not strangers, so we can forego some of those rules if you’re comfortable with that. I’m not trying to be selfish; it’s up to you. I just want you to know that I’d never put you in danger.”

“I know you wouldn’t.” She gently brushed her fingers through the front of his hair. “One more thing. Whatever you say to me tonight, just be honest, okay? Don’t feed me lines.”

Eli slid his hands lower, cupping her ass. “No lines. Just truth.”

He dipped his head and pressed his lips against the base of her throat, and her pulse kicked up a notch when he placed open-mouthed kisses along her neck. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t relax.

What he was doing should have left her melting and desperate for him, but instead it made her tense and anxious.

What was wrong with her? She wanted this. She’d been the one to suggest it, so why—

“Hey,” he said softly, pulling back to look at her. “Is everything okay?”

“I...” her voice died in her throat as she realized that she was afraid. Not of him, but of knowing that finally, this was really going to happen.

She was going to sleep with the one man she’d been wanting forever. Her former friend. And she was nervous as hell.

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