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“Why are you driving that heap, anyway?”

“Because unlike rich hockey players, the rest of us peasants can’t all afford new cars when something goes wrong. Some of us have to keep what we have running because we have no other choice.”

“I can understand not being able to get a new vehicle,” he said patiently. “But one from this century would be a better choice than that death trap you’re rolling around in. It’s not safe, Holly.”

“Oh, please. Don’t act like you give a shit about my safety and well-being,” she snapped, crossing her arms.

“I’m not acting,” he said, his tone serious. “You need something else.”

“Will you please just drop it?”

“For now.”

Holly ignored him as her phone beeped with a text. She pulled it out of her purse to check her messages and saw a number she didn’t recognize.

Unknown Number: Hey, it’s Ian. Would love to get together again soon. Hit me up when you’re free.

Hmm. Ian. She’d hooked up with him a few months back. He’d been pretty cute, but he was a lousy conversationalist. She decided to save his number anyway.

“A text this late?” Eli asked. “That has to be a booty call.”

“It was,” she said, putting the phone back into her purse.

“If it’s a booty call you’re after, you don’t need to look far to get one.” He gave her a teasing wink.

Holly grumbled and closed her eyes. They were starting to bother her again, and it felt like she needed toothpicks to hold them open.

“I’ve got to stop for gas,” he told her. “I’m coasting on fumes. It won’t take long, okay?”

Holly waved a hand. “Yeah, whatever.”

Eli pulled into the next gas station they passed and parked next to one of the pumps, then killed the engine.

After the night she’d had, she was desperately craving chocolate. She had enough in her bank account for a few candy bars, so she climbed from the sedan and headed for the little grocery mart.

As she walked across the parking lot, she passed an SUV full of guys. When they saw her walk by in her dress and heels, they whistled and leaned out of the windows, making lewd comments.

“Hey, baby, I can take care of you!”

“I’ve got something over here that you can take a ride on. Eight inches, in fact.”

Holly snorted. Eight inches? Yeah, he fucking wished.

“Come over here a sec, doll. I’ve got something for you. Long and hard.”

Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she kept walking until she heard the guys in the SUV suddenly go silent. When she turned around, Eli was standing in front of their vehicle, his eyes narrowed and flashing with anger.

“You guys finished running your big fucking mouths?” he asked, a hard edge to his voice.

Holly stopped walking, immediately seized by panic. Was he fucking crazy? There were five or six guys in the SUV, and only one of him.

Eli might be strong, tall, and incredibly built, but he wasn’t a match for six other dudes by himself.

“Hey, you’re that hockey player,” one of the guys said. “Right? From the Kingsnakes.”

“Yeah, I am,” he growled. “And I’ll ask you again—are you guys done running your mouths at my girl? Because if you aren’t, we’re about to have a big fucking problem.”


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