Page 74 of Phoenix's Refrain

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I looked her over. She had a friendly smile and a kind face.

“You don’t look evil,” I declared honestly.

Alice Jones laughed again. Alice Jones, such a normal, homely name for the wife of an angel like Fireswift.

“Believe it or not, I get that reaction a lot,” she told me.

Wow, Colonel Fireswift’s wife was a nice person. Who would have thought?

I turned to the shorter woman. “You look even more familiar, Captain.”

“You met my big sister Selena,” she told me.

Ah, that explained it.

“I’m Captain Andromeda Singh.”

Fancy name. And yet, it was all wrong. Major Singh’s name was wrong, for that matter.

“You and your sister are Legion brats, right?” I asked her.

“We were.”

“But you don’t have an angel name,” I pointed out.

“Our angel father went rogue when we were still young. Since that day, we’ve used our mother’s surname.”

She didn’t look like my question bothered her. I supposed she’d gotten used to answering it. She sure was a lot nicer than her sister had been.

“Nice to meet you both, but what exactly are you doing here?” I asked the two women.

“The First Angel ordered us to report here,” Lieutenant Jones answered. “Because we’re pregnant.”

“Both of you?”

Captain Singh nodded. “Yes.”

“They are both married to an angel,” Cadence told me. “Lieutenant Jones to Colonel Fireswift. And Captain Singh to Colonel Dragonblood.”

So the two women were here for the same reason as Cadence and I were. Nyx had stuffed all of her soldiers who were carrying the children of angels into this airship. No wonder there were so many guards that we could barely walk down the hall without bumping into someone. This wasn’t just about me and Cadence.

“A few months ago, I went to Crystal Falls for a training that was supposed to be conducted by Colonel Dragonblood,” I said to Captain Singh.

“Yes, he runs that training regularly,” she replied.

“But he didn’t go that time because his wife had the Fever.”

It was still called the Fever in non-angels who were the wives of angels.

“You’re Colonel Dragonblood’s wife.”

“I am aware,” she said, amused.

“But that Crystal Falls training was months ago. You don’t appear that far along. Your belly is as flat as mine.”

“My, you are as direct as they say, Colonel,” Captain Singh told me.

I shrugged.
