Page 129 of Phoenix's Refrain

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“We must proceed as we anyway would, not second guess ourselves because of these possible futures,” Nyx decided. “Trying to change the future might very well make things worse.”

Easier said than done. It was my child at the center of the Guardians’ plans.

“Windstriker, I’m putting you in charge of the mission to track down the angel slayers. Assemble your team,” Nyx commanded him.

Nero nodded.

The Legion’s Interrogators hadn’t gotten anything of use out of the prisoners Nyx and the other angels had captured. Apparently, they’d just been clueless decoys put there to throw the investigation off track.

“I will be staying here, on board the airship,” Nyx said. “Furthering our plan to gain the confidence of the Earth’s people so that more might join the Legion of Angels.”

Nyx definitely didn’t look happy to be stuck here with us. Like all angels, Nyx had a very hands-on personality, not a sitting-on-her-hands personality.

“We’re making progress,” I told her.

My statement did nothing to brighten Nyx’s mood.

“Dr. Harding has some new information.” I waved at Nerissa.

She stepped forward. “Unfortunately, I haven’t yet had any luck in finding a way to decrease the Nectar’s fatality rate without also decreasing its potency, its ability to bestow magic.”

“You know, we might be going about this all wrong,” I said. “Maybe we shouldn’t be trying to modify the Nectar. Maybe we should be looking for another solution altogether. Humans can gain some supernatural powers without Nectar. For instance, a human can become a vampire.”

“Vampires are not as powerful as Legion soldiers,” Colonel Fireswift said impatiently, as though I didn’t already know that.

“So what?” I demanded. “Maybe we could use another substance to bestow a weaker form of magic on people. Not everyone needs to have angel powers. Most Legion soldiers never become angels, Colonel.”

“You’re suggesting we create another tier of Legion soldier,” Leila said. “With a weaker tier of powers.”

“Yes, I am. People can contribute to the Legion without the full-blown set of powers.”

“It’s preposterous.” Colonel Fireswift’s voice was scathing.

I shrugged. “My ideas usually are.”

“Yes, they are.” He was sitting so stiffly on the sofa that a tiny breeze might have blown him over. “The Legion cannot abandon its tried and true methods.”

“Even if those tried and true methods are having diminishing results?” I countered. “Fewer people are joining the Legion of Angels with every initiation cycle. Something has to change, or soon there will be nothing left of the Legion. Change. That’s why Nyx assigned me this task. Because I’m not weighed down by what’s tried and true. I know how to think out of the box.”

“Pandora.” Nero’s voice was quiet—and yet it cut right through the room like a knife.

I smiled at him. “Yes, lover?”

“Maybe there is a solution somewhere between the current way and a complete-and-total upheaval of everything we know.”

“Maybe,” I allowed.

“Everything in moderation,” he said.

I guiltily set down the very large slice of chocolate cake I’d just cut myself. Moderation. Right.

“I’ll try to find a middle-of-the-road solution,” I said.

“I think that would be an easier sell to all of us boring, rigid angels,” Nero told me.

“Just try not to get run over while you’re hanging out in the middle of the road, Leda,” Basanti added.

I made a face at her. “Very funny.”
