Page 11 of Last Chance Love

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Leaning forward, I bite his lip until he hisses. I stick my tongue in his mouth and suck his into mine, moaning loudly as pleasure pulls down from my stomach to my pelvis. “Then stop making me wait,” I bite out, causing him to chuckle. The sound vibrates through his entire body, giving me a shiver.

Picking me up by my ass, my legs wrap around his waist, and the feeling of his dick against my core is almost more than I can handle as he gently slides inside the tightness. It’s almost more painful than the first time, the day I conceived Damien.

Tired of waiting, I thrust forward, a scream ripping from my throat as a growl shakes his chest. “Why the fuck did you do that?”

Before I can respond, I feel the blood pumping through the thick veins of his hardness inside me, and almost at once, an orgasm tears through my body. His hand covers my mouth, muffling the scream torn from my soul as pleasure takes over all rational thought. Languid and satisfied in his hold, I blink up at Seb to find him smiling down at me.

“We’re going to have to soundproof our room in the future.” I know he’s playing with me, but my entire body reacts to his reference of a future for us. “Oh fuck,” his fist hits the wall a few inches from my head, “You like the sound of that.”

Kissing across his jawline, down his throat, and over to his collarbone, I begin nibbling at the flesh as his hips start thrusting. Slowly at first before picking up pace and hammering inside of me. Reaching places I never knew existed.

“Oh, Sebastian,” I sigh, closing my eyes as my head falls back. “That feels sooooo good,” moaning on the exaggerated word. “More, give me more.”

“Tighten that pussy, baby.” I feel his head resting on the wood behind me, still several inches taller than me, even holding me up. “Fuck, yes, just like that. Tighter.” I follow his every instruction, needing to please him for some reason.

My hands find their way to his chest, fingers brushing through the thick hair, nails scraping along his flesh. When he hisses, I throw my hips forward, meeting him thrust for thrust as he continues to assault my body in the sweetest ways possible.

He holds my hips steady, his frenzied pumping picking up pace, and just when I think he’s about to let go, he stops, drops my legs to the ground, and spins me around so fast I can’t catch my breath. Kicking my legs apart, he bends his knees and thrusts up into me from behind. A scream is pulled from my throat, and he doesn’t attempt to quiet me down this time. Pinning my arms above my head, he buries his face in my neck, biting down on the corded tendon where my neck meets my shoulder to hold me in place.

Sebastian becomes wild, cursing, sucking, fucking into me with wild abandon, and when I feel him get so incredibly deep inside of me that neither of us can move, I begin tightening on him again. Massaging his release out of him with my channel. “Fuck. Fuck, Ema. Fuck.” He bites harder on my neck, and one hand slips between my body and the wall, manipulating my clit once again and forcing a second orgasm out of me.

Coming together, we can hardly move or breathe as he holds us upright, muttering words of praise into my ear as he continues to pet my over-sensitized nub. “Please, Seb, please, stop.” I can’t wiggle away from him as he ignores my request. Secretly I like that he wants to focus all his attention on me.

“I’ve never been blinded by an orgasm before, baby; you’re a fucking marvel.” Releasing his hold on me, Sebastian spins me again, laying a hot, possessive kiss on my lips before dropping to his knees and sucking my clit into his mouth. The pain is almost overwhelming until it slowly becomes pleasurable. He doesn’t stop until I’m convulsing above him and coming again. This time I drop into his arms, unable to hold my own weight up anymore.

“That was too much,” I tease, smiling up at him.

Sebastian’s eyes are closed, and a look I can only describe as ecstasy plays on his face, plain as day.

I’m definitely one step closer to saying yes to his offer of us staying for good.

* * *


I feel ten feet tall as Ema and I make dinner together. Sharing secret looks and thrilling touches. I can’t keep my hands off her as she stirs the waffle mix in a bowl. Slipping a hand down the front of her pants, she hisses when I brush across her clit. Pleasured so well that it’s too sensitive right now, but I want another taste of her.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I murmur in her ear as she sighs.

Damien and Jack are sitting on the living room floor playing with the blocks Ema brought for him. Dam builds them high, and Jack knocks them over. They’ve been at it for an hour now.

Placing the items in her hands on the counter, she surprises me by turning and dropping to her knees. Leaning forward without warning, Ema bites my dick. Not hard but enough to get its attention. Blood rushes south, and I have to put my hands on the counter as I lean over her and watch from above as she teases me through the denim of my jeans.

“Fucking minx,” I hiss as her hand begins massaging up and down the appendage, squeezing every so often. “You’re asking for it,” I warn her.

“Oh, good. I didn’t want you to confuse my attentions with anything but desire.” Her saucy reply has me reaching down and gripping her by her snowy-blonde messy bun and dragging her up to her feet.

“Anyone ever tell you you’re mouthy?” I smirk as her eyes narrow.

“Plenty of times,” she retorts before turning serious. “But I’ve never felt safe enough to carry on with it.”

Jaw locked and ticking with the impetus to ream her parents out for taking such shit care of her, I pull her into my chest. “You feel safe with me?” She nods, and I cup her cheeks, tilting her head so I can kiss her tenderly. “You’ll always be safe with me, EmaLeigh Ruin.”

“Eeewwww,” Damien squeals, catching our attention. Gazing over at him on the carpet, he’s holding onto Jack and staring at us.

“One day, kid, you’re going to find an amazing woman and want to kiss her too,” I tell him.

“Nope.” His head shakes as he gets to his feet and runs over to Ema. Reaching out his arms for her. “Mamma, up!”
