Page 42 of In the Gray

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“Look, whatever you think you’ve figured out here, you’re wrong. This isn’t grade school. Spencer and I are friends. There’s nothing else going on there. You don’t need to go making up drama where there isn’t any. It seems like you have enough real drama in your own life.”

Levi’s eyebrows shoot up as he points to himself and shakes his head. “Nope, not me. I don’t do drama. I keep things cool and casual.”

“Yeah?” I cross my arms and position myself next to him, gesturing with my head across the room toward the girl who’s mean mugging me. “You might want to tell that to Red over there. She’s been trying to murder me with her eyes this entire time.”

“Who, Roxy?” He lets out a nervous laugh and tries to casually look her way. A sheepish grin spreads across his face when her eyes narrow at him, his shoulders slumping as she turns to walk away. “She’s a little upset with me at the moment,” he sighs, returning his attention to me. “But she’ll get over it, she always does. She’s like my sister.”

“Wow…” Blowing out a light whistle, I shake my head and pat him on the shoulder. “You are really clueless. Good luck with that.”


There’s a reason why it’s illegal to drink and drive. Your brain isn’t running at full capacity when it’s absorbed with alcohol. It is not the time to be operating heavy machinery or making big life decisions. Like deciding to ask someone to marry you.

Eric and Brenden’s comments made me seriously question myself and my relationship with Cat, and then my pride got the best of me. I’m not entirely sure whether I was trying to prove something to them or myself.

Why did I have to open my big drunken mouth? Of course, Brenden told Lizzy. When she asked me about it, I couldn’t exactly tell her I hadn’t meant it—that I didn’t really want to ask her sister to marry me. I couldn’t imagine that going over well.

Now, I’m wondering if word got out to Lori because she’s been behaving oddly toward me all evening. It’s like she’s been going out of her way to avoid me, giving me scowling glances from across the room. The few times I have managed to get close to her, I’ve been met with clipped tones and one-word replies. Though it’s no secret Lori doesn’t support the idea of marriage, it never occurred to me she might protest the idea of me proposing to Cat.

Maybe it has nothing to do with that at all. Lori’s obvious annoyance with me could stem from the whole Ashland Martin book situation. I’ve tried to be supportive, to sound interested and enthused when she talks to me about it, but I tend to go into panic mode every time. When she told me about all the publishers she’s been contacting, my chest got so tight I couldn’t breathe. The farther Ashland’s story reaches, the more people who will be coming after Lori for telling it. I’m still the only person who knows what she’s been through, and even I don’t know all the details. I don’t think she’s ready for all the attention a national headline like this is going to bring her.

If she’d only give me the opportunity to speak to her, I could figure out what’s going on and try to fix things.

My eyes wander across the room where Lori is still sitting with Eric’s little brother. He whispers something in her ear, and her head falls back in laughter. She looks so incredible in her bridesmaid dress tonight. The smoky blue color makes her beautiful eyes pop. Even though all of Lizzy’s bridesmaids are in the same flowy gown, it seems to compliment Lori’s frame the best.

I’ve always liked Levi, he’s a decent enough kid, but Eric’s told me all about Levi’s little Casanova act, and I don’t care for him using it on Lori. Granted, she can take care of herself and would be quick to tell me so if I voiced my concern.

When Lori’s head is upright again, her gaze lands on me and her smile evaporates. Levi follows her line of sight, and his lips curve into a frown as well.

What the hell?

She says something to him as she hurries to her feet. Whatever she said causes him to shake his head and stand in her path as she tries to walk toward me. His back is to me and he’s blocking my view of her, so I can’t see what’s happening. The next thing I know, her hand is in his and they’re heading to the dance floor.

Several different emotions flood me all at once as I watch the two of them, my jaw taut with anger, my chest heavy with worry, and my gut knotted with envy. The DJ is playing “Stay” by Rihanna as they dance close together—closer than necessary. Her arms are hooked around his shoulders, her eyes staring intently at him and head lightly nodding in understanding as he speaks quietly to her.

“Don’t worry. She can handle him.” Cat hooks her arm around mine, smiling brightly as my gaze finds her. “You look like a lion ready to pounce,” she says. “But I think it’s good Lori is letting her guard down with Levi and having a little fun.”

Nodding, I return her smile, then give her a quick kiss on her temple. Cat is right, Lori does seem to be having a fun time. When it boils down to it, I’m jealous of Levi.

“Do you want to dance?”

She grins. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Once we’re on the dance floor, I make it a point not to look in Lori’s direction, though I can sense her across from us. I’m quiet as we sway to the music, my mind wandering as Cat gushes about how happy she is for Lizzy.

She pulls back to meet my gaze, her features drawing as she studies my face. “Are you okay?”

I nod. “Yeah, of course. I think I’m tired from staying out late with the boys last night.”

It’s not a lie, though it’s not entirely true either.

“You sound like Lori.” Her eyes shift to my left, her face lighting up. “Levi…” He steps up next to us as the song ends, Lori still in his arms. “I’m looking to upgrade my dance partner, any way I can tempt you away from Lori here?”

“Hey,” I scoff at Cat, feigning offense as my gaze lands on Lori. Her jaw tics, her pleading eyes on Levi, widening with intent as he looks to her.

He shrugs, loosening his hold. “Sorry, love. You know I can’t say no to a beautiful woman.” His eyes narrow slightly as they move to me. “I’m sure Spencer here will take care of you.”

A new song begins, and Cat giggles as she leans up to kiss my cheek, pulling out of my hold. Levi releases Lori, guiding her toward me before stepping away with Cat.

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