Page 84 of Our Pucking Way

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“Cross my heart.” Sebastian winked. “Just keep practicing, stay brave, and I’ll be watching out for you in the big leagues someday.”

“Promise?” The hope in Tyler’s voice tugged at my heartstrings.

“Promise.” Sebastian bumped fists with Tyler, sealing their pact.

As the family thanked us and returned to their table, a hint of red tinged Sebastian’s cheeks.

Keith had been quietly observing the interaction. There was an air of awe mixed with a hint of intimidation in the way he looked at Sebastian.

Sebastian noticed it too. With an easy smile that seemed to put the whole table at ease, he leaned forward, shifting the spotlight from himself. “So, Keith, Kennedy told me you were in the Marines. Infantry?”

Keith nodded. “Yeah, that’s right. Did a couple of tours overseas.”

“Man, that’s incredible,” Sebastian said, leaning back in his chair, visibly impressed. The admiration in his voice was palpable. “That must’ve taken some serious courage. Tell me more about it.”

I watched as Keith’s posture relaxed, his initial starstruck tension melting away under Sebastian’s friendly interrogation. Sebastian’s effortless ability to make Keith feel valued lit a glow of warmth in my chest.

The waiter arrived, presenting us with an enticing dessert menu. Three decadent options caught my eye—tiramisu, panna cotta, and a chocolate torte so rich it looked sinful.

“Can’t decide?” Sebastian murmured, noticing my indecision.

“They all look amazing,” I confessed.

“Then we’ll have all three,” he declared with a playful wink, signaling the waiter. “One for her, one for me, and one for the road.”

“Are you sure?” I laughed, both amused and touched by the gesture.

“Absolutely.” His eyes twinkled with mischief. “Life’s too short for just one dessert.”

When the desserts arrived, Sebastian slid the plate with the tiramisu towards me. It was the one I’d eyed the longest. He picked up his fork, breaking into the chocolate torte, and after taking a bite, offered the next one to me. He fed me with a warm smile, full of charm and indulgence.

“Good, isn’t it?” he asked, his voice a low rumble that sent a shiver through me.

“Delicious,” I whispered back.

Carrie and I excused ourselves from the table, our heels clicking on the polished marble floors that led to the opulent bathroom. Carrie reapplied her red lipstick, then leaned against the long countertop, her eyes warm.

“Kennedy, you have no idea how lucky you are,” she said as we checked our reflections in the ornate mirror.

I smoothed a stray lock of hair behind my ear, meeting her gaze in the reflection. “You really like Sebastian?”

“I really do. Trust me, I would tell you if I didn’t. Emphatically.”

Our laughter mingled, light and unburdened, because I knew she’d never lie to me.

“He looks at you like Keith looks at me,” she said, reminding me of all the years I’d longed for the same kind of comfortable, happy relationship she had with Keith. I even secretly dreamtsometimes of having babies like her twins—though maybe without the baby food redecorating attempts. “And if you have four guys who all treat you like that, you just might be the luckiest woman in the world.”

Our goodbyes were warm-filled, with promises to do this again soon sealed with hugs. I glanced at Sebastian, wondering if he really meant it.

Sebastian led me outside, and the cool night air brushed against my skin as we approached his sleek car.

Sebastian navigated through the city with an ease that came from years of driving these streets. A comfortable silence settled between us, and I cradled dessert number three on my lap in its white Styrofoam container.

“Sometimes,” he began suddenly, reaching for his phone in the console, “I browse Zillow for fun.”

A playful smirk danced on his lips as he handed me the device, screen alive with the image of a sprawling mansion surrounded by lush greenery.

“Really? What kind of things are you looking at?”

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