Page 34 of Our Pucking Way

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As we approached, Cain’s lips lifted in a greeting that never reached his eyes. That was his way.

“Kennedy, this is Cain and Aurora,” I introduced them. The two women eyed each other, warmth igniting as if they both recognized something familiar in the other.

“Nice to meet you,” Kennedy said,.

“Likewise,” Aurora responded, her smile genuine. “How did you come to know this devil?”

“Jackal, you mean? I suppose it’s the same thing,” Kennedy said with a smile.

They began to chat, an effortless flow of conversation that made them seem like old friends rather than strangers standing in the looming shadow of the city’s most notorious club.

“What are you up to?” Cain asked me bluntly.

“Nothing on your turf,” I promised him. By now, Santos was out of sight, having stumbled along down the street to his own car. Driving under the influence was very naughty. But I knew he would pay as Sebastian, Carter, and Jack caught up to him. “But someone threatened my girl.”

“I heard,” he said. “I’d expected you to deal with it.”

“I will.”

I was half listening to the girls, who were deep in conversation—about nothing, really, but I had the feeling they both recognized the strength in each other it took to stand beside men like Cain and me.

My eyes flicked over to Cain. His gaze softened when he looked at her.

“They’re both very sweet,” I remarked, a rare smile tugging at my lips. “Unexpectedly so, in our world.”

Cain’s eyes never left Aurora, but he responded with a gruffness that belied the love written clear across his face. “Don’t be confused, Greyson. They’re just as dangerous as we are.”

“Wouldn’t dream of underestimating them,” I agreed.

When we finally parted ways, Kennedy and I walked down the street.

“I like her,” Kennedy said warmly. “Maybe we can have a double date.”

“I don’t think Cain dates…at least not like a normal man.”

Kennedy scoffed. “I’m sure he does whatever Aurora wants.”

She gave me a meaningful look, as if that was exactly what she expected from me, and I chuckled. “Perhaps.”

When we reached the car, I opened her door before I slid into the driver’s seat.

Inside, Sebastian’s knuckles were split, Carter had a fresh cut above his brow, and Jack was nursing his side with a grimace that didn’t quite hide the satisfaction in his eyes. They looked like hell, but it was the victorious kind.

“Everybody in one piece?” I asked.

“And the groceries are in the trunk,” Jack said lightly.

“Then let’s roll out,” I commanded, the engine roaring to life beneath my hands.

As I pulled away from the curb, the adrenaline that had been coursing through my veins was replaced by the cold focus of what was to come.

We sped off into the night, the darkness of the road swallowed by the headlights. My cabin was the perfect place to peel back the layers of a traitor’s deceit. Or simply to peel back the layers of a traitor.

Santos was going to talk, one way or another.

In the silence of the drive, I found my attention drifting to Kennedy—the way her brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, the haunted look that sometimes flickered through her eyes. My grip tightened on the wheel. She was a constant light in the darkness of our lives, and I’d do anything to keep her just the way she was…safe, and a little more innocent than any of us.

A sudden thumping from the trunk cleaved through the quiet, followed by Santos’ muffled shouts. His voice was laced with panic.

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