Page 33 of Our Pucking Way

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The tension in the room was thick. I knew what Kennedy wanted: a united front, all for one and one for all, and a plan that made us all the good guys. But we weren’t heroes, and the four of us weren’t friends anymore. We were just allies who shared one common obsession—Kennedy.

“Here’s the plan.” I stood to command full attention. The four of us—me and my once brothers-in-arms—would go in under the cover of night. We’d hit Santos where he felt safest, probably as he emerged from the sex club where he was more invested in drugs than debauchery.

Two of us would cause a distraction, a fight or a commotion. Maybe I could get Sebastian and Carter to beat each other up; that would be amusing. Meanwhile, the other two would grabSantos. I just needed to make sure we were far enough from the club. I wasn’t going to risk getting on the wrong side of Cain and company. Those allies were important to me.

“Then?” Carter’s voice was gruff, expectant.

“Then we take him for a picnic in the woods,” I continued, feeling the predatory grin tugging at my lips. “We’ve got a cabin there, remote and soundproof. Perfect for...questioning.”

Sebastian’s jaw clenched, the muscles in his neck tensing. “And after?”

“Nobody finds him. Ever again. Given how questionable his life choices are, as long as no one sees us take him, I think we have a lot of time before the others get too curious.”

I could see it play out in their minds, followed by the quiet resignation that comes with understanding the necessary evils of our world.

Kennedy was silent, but she was trying to be the tough woman I knew she could be. It was an act I didn’t want her to perfect.

“Let us handle this, Kennedy.” Jack rested his hand lightly on her thigh. “You don’t need to see it.”

She shook her head, determination setting her jaw in a firm line. “If all this violence is to protect me, then I should be there. Ineedto be there.”

Carter grumbled something under his breath, likely cursing the day we entered into this life. But Kennedy’s resolve was clear, and in that moment, she was every bit the fierce mafia queen.

“Alright,” I conceded. “You’re in. But you stay back. You watch, you learn. You do not engage.”

“Understood,” she said, but the fire behind her words told me she’d do whatever it took, just like I would for her.

My soul was already tarnished, and I’d let it burn in hell before I let anything hurt Kennedy again.

But I hated the thought of letting her be corrupted. If there was anything good left about me, anything pure, it was the way I loved Kennedy.

The leather of the steering wheel was cool under my grip as we waited outside the club—just outside the reach of Cain’s cameras. I stole a glance at Kennedy. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders, a serene expression on her face despite the dance of shadows on it from the streetlights outside. She was always my peace, even with violence simmering in the air.

Sebastian, Carter, and Jack were all quiet, their focus razor-sharp as we waited with predatorial patience for Eduardo Santos to slink out of his hole.

The second car, filled with some of my most loyal men, sat idling down the street. They were the hammer, there if we needed the extra muscle. But I wanted to let these three get their hands dirty.

But when Santos emerged, he was being dragged out. Several of Cain’s ruffians sent him on his way with a shove.

“We’ll follow him and grab him when he’s out of range,” I said, but there were more people exiting the club.

Behind him, was an enormous, blonde-haired man, covered with tattoos. His presence drew every eye to him.

He wasn’t alone; Aurora, his blonde obsession, clung to his arm. Her gaze was watchful, and she clocked me in the car as soon as he did. She was sharp and dangerous, and I both wished for Kennedy to grow like that…and hated the thought.

“Change of plans,” I muttered, more to myself than anyone else.

“Kennedy, come with me.” My voice was soft, calm, hiding the storm that brewed beneath. Her puzzled look didn’t last long before she nodded. Her trust sent warmth rising through my chest.

“What’s going on?” Carter demanded.

“Your lucky day. Kennedy and I will be the distraction.” I tossed Carter the keys, already regretting it.

“I’m touched you trust me,” he said sarcastically.

“Fuck up my car, and I’ll fuck up you.”

As we stepped out into the night, the air felt cold. The city’s pulse seemed to throb beneath my feet as I touched the bare skin at the small of her back exposed by Kennedy’s little dress, leading her toward Cain.

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