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It’s the subtle wine on her tongue, the lingering sweetness of the chocolate, the delicate flutter of her moan.

She’s like a wet dream come true, soft and pliable in my arms, her mouth moving against mine with the same hunger flowing in my veins.

I didn’t know how much I wanted her until this moment.

Women aren’t my normal weakness.

I’ve never met a girl who dominates every sense the way Juniper does. She drags her nails through my hair and pulls me closer to my self-destruction—and dammit, I want her to.

What I really want is to carry her to the house, throw her against the wall, and explore every lush curve and smooth line of her body until her whimpers come like music.

I want to take so much more than her mouth.

I want to claim her.

Fuck me to death, I wanther.

And the torn noise she makes when I slide my hand to the back of her neck and tilt her head back has me harder than granite.

Calm the fuck down, you demented monkey,a voice warns.

There’s that little pipsqueak called a conscience, right on time to put the pin back in before my lust goes off like an armed grenade.

Yeah, I know.

I need to calm down before it’s impossible to reverse this mistake. Now definitely isn’t the time.

Not when it’s too easy to forget about the show we’re supposed to be putting on for her nana.

Not when we’re two warring tongues hopelessly in love with our own destruction.

Not when this ismake-believe.

Snarling, I pull away, sucking air into my depleted lungs.

Junie breathes almost as heavy as I do. She looks at me through hooded eyes. Her lips are swollen, an invitation to bite her I can’t accept.

Though I can’t resist running my fool thumb along her bottom lip.

The way her breath hitches makes me want to kiss her again.

Fuck, how is this happening?

I’m a grown man with zero interest in love because I know where it leads.

I’ve seen how it shreds a heart to ribbons. Like I could ever forget the long nights with my mother, watching from the chaise next to her bed, guarding her from her own demons.

I mastered myself ages ago, and yet I’m behaving like a wild beast.

Junie blinks some of the dazzle off her face, glancing back at the house with a gasp.

“Oh. Oh, crap. Um, that was probably more than enough for Nana…” she whispers, hurling me back into bland reality.

“I’m not sure she’s swayed yet,” I growl, loving how her face flushes. “Do you want to get back inside?”

Say yes.

Fucking say it before I do something so reckless it’s irreversible.
