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“Don’t be, Junie. You worry too damn much.” He looks back at my face with the same hunger in his eyes I saw at the office. “Gun to my head—and you’ve got one there now—I think you’re younger and hotter than hell,” he growls.

His other hand drops to my waist to steady me.

I roll my eyes pathetically. I’m definitely verging on drunk, yes, but notthatdrunk.

I’m so not falling into the trap of thinking Dexter Rory finds me truly attractive.

“So tell me, Junie—why aren’tyouseeing someone?”

“I’m just… I’m busy,” I tell him. “Don’t tell me, that’s your excuse, too?”

“Business is demanding as hell. Doesn’t leave much time for anything else when you’re fighting for every dollar and scraping to keep your head above water.”

How generous that he thought of my situation when we’re worlds apart.

“Yeah. Guess we’re not that different sometimes.” I lean in closer as he slides an arm around my waist and I whisper, “Of course, you’re filthy rich and I’m not.”

“Not yet.”

Dang. Even without the wine, he’d sound pretty freaking believable right now.

Over his shoulder, I see the curtains move.

Dexter glances back and I catch his chin in my hand, turning him gently to face me, stroking his short dark scruff.

“Look at me. Don’t let her know we know she’s spying on us!” I try to stop myself from smiling. This is beyond ridiculous. “We’re supposed to be a couple in love having a private moment, remember?”

Then it happens.

His big arm tightens, and his other hand brushes my face.

The blue fire in his eyes makes my stomach clench with anticipation, and warmth bathes my chest as he leans down, his breath flowering across my lips.

Yes, it’s just the alcohol—itneedsto just be the wine—but I swear I’ve never wanted a man like this in my life.

And that’s a terrifying thought—but not half as scary as what he says next.

“Work with me, Sweet Stuff. We didn’t get this far just to half-ass the grand finale. Let’s give Granny a show that’ll keep her old heart going.”

I don’t know what he means.

Not until he pulls me in.

Until I wrap my arms around his neck and we’re mouth to mouth.

Until his hand slides through my hair, his fingers tangling with a claiming pull, and he kisses me with what feels like the weight of his entire soul.



Goddammit, where is my mind?

Apparently, stuck on one fact that’s going to throw me deeper into the abyss I’m already tumbling down.

Juniper Winkley tastes fuckingdivine.

She might be the first sweet thing I’ve ever had that I don’t instantly hate.
