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And holy hell,what a club.

His hands roam my body, ripping off my clothes.

His tongue delves into my mouth in a primal dance that feels downright obscene.

His hands catch my panties and pull ferociously, and the instant I’m bare, his tongue brings every lewd promise he made through the reception to my thighs, torturing me until I’m biting my lip andbegging.

“Dexter, please. Oh, shit. I can’t—”

“Open your legs for me, sweetheart. Didn’t get more than a little steak and a sliver of cake at dinner for a reason. I saved my appetite.”

Oh, God, did he ever.

His tongue splits me open as his rough hands push my legs apart. He holds me open, his willing captive, while he devours my pussy like it’s his very last meal.

It’s a little insane how fast it hits.

Sheer ecstasy grabs me by the throat and slams me back down again, all barely stifled moans against my hand and trembling legs.

All fire—all just for him—and each lapping stroke of his tongue makes me burn hotter, coalescing in my core until there’s no holding it in.


I see the stars out the window and then they’re in my eyes.

I see red, white, and bliss.

Then it’s just pure dark, hungry blue as I drown in his eyes, as he clasps my thighs and makes me ride his beard with all its delicious friction.

I’m a gasping mess when I’m finally back in my right mind again.

Just in time to see him naked and watching me with the hungriest eyes, his cock throbbing madly in his hand as he hovers over me, slowly stroking his cock.

“Dex,” I whisper, my face heating as he stares. “What are you doing?”

“Worshipping you. If I didn’t need this pussy so bad, I’d paint you head to fucking toe.” His fist quickens, gliding over his magnificent cock, and he tilts his head back with a low, feral groan.

Holy hell.

My fingernails brace against his abs, scratching their way down his torso.

He’s so hard for me.

A man of stone, granite in body and soul, only coming undone when he tugs his cock like I’ll always be his dirtiest fantasy.

I’m barely breathing as I watch him, panting and stricken.

And he must see the desperation in my eyes, the need to feel him inside me that eclipses the desire he’s holding back.

“Please. Enough teasing tonight.”

“That bad, huh?” he growls, touching the throbbing head of his cock to my clit.

I almost die right there, nodding fiercely.

“Thirty-three thousand feet and you’re still not airborne. We need to fix that now. Legs open.”

I’m moaning before he even pushes his swollen length to my entrance, still rubbing with brutish control, his eyes twin blue flames.
