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Chuckling, he leans away.

That’s my cue.

I slide my fingers through his and squeeze. It wouldn’t be our wedding day if we didn’t toss a little crap back and forth.

Since stepping back from the company—which happened immediately, true to his word—he’s been a lot more relaxed. Way easier to joke around with.

I fell for the grumpy hardass, but getting to know Dexter the human being? The kindhearted man? That’s been an absolute dream.

Now, he’s the one pushing me to take some time away from the Sugar Bowl so we can enjoy our honeymoon, and he’s right. It’s closed today, though, and all my favorite people are here, watching me marry Big Fish.

I think I can already hear Emmy wailing in the distance.

“I love you, Dex,” I whisper.

Dexter glances down with a smile just for me.

“I love you so much it hurts,” he tells me, and together we face the priest again.

It’s not a dream anymore.

It’s achingly real.

Achingly wonderful.


Every promise we make underneath the big blue autumn sky.

Every inch he lifts me off my feet, swinging me up in his arms the instant the priest gives the go-ahead.

Every kiss we savor, giving the crowd a show they’ll never forget as his lips and his eyes and the swaying trees leave me dizzy.

* * *

The restof the day comes on like a whirlwind.

Too fast to remember, and too incredible not to recall the smallest details in happy flashes.

The way Dexter slid the ring on my finger.

How Nana hugged him and how Delly hugged me, welcoming us into each other’s family.

The kiss that left me spun out of my own skin and still craving more. I couldn’t stand when he finally set me back down.

Our first dance, where I looked into Dexter’s eyes while we both laughed too much, remembering our first awkward dance in his office.

A smirking glance from Patton tells us he remembers, too.

Then later, slipping away into the vintage getaway car waiting for us, still giggling like kids. There’s no driver tonight.

I’m just grateful one of us stayed sober enough to manage the driving as Dex takes the wheel.

It’s straight home to change and then to the airport, where a private jet waits for us with chilled champagne and a cozy bed to sleep off all the excitement until morning.

Though I’m not sure we’ll catch much sleep.

The minute we’re alone in the executive suite and the plane lifts above the clouds, he takes me straight to the mile high club.
