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Never did I think she’d be bold enough to go searching for answers on his turf.

Weak sunlight struggles through the evening clouds, glinting off Junie’s hair as she yanks her arm from my hand.

“I can walk, you know. Jesus.”

“Keep moving,” I grind out.

A couple people turn to stare at us, frowning. Who the hell can blame them?

I hustle along, faster to lessen the chances of anyone remembering our faces.

“We can’t talk here,” I whisper, stepping closer to her so she has to look up at me. “Get in my car, Junie.”

“What about my van?”

“I’ll send someone to pick it up later.” My temper hangs by the frailest thread. I massage my temples, trying to keep my worries in check. “For fuck’s sake, Junie,get in.”

She holds her ground, stopping and frowning at me. “And if I’m not leaving the van?”

“This isn’t the time for an ego battle, sweetheart,” I say desperately. “Come on. We need to go.”

She shrugs.

“I drove here and I can drive myself back.”


The longer we stay, the more attention we could draw, and the more likely it is someone’s going to swoop in on that cash drop and realize it’s been compromised.

“If you get moving now, fine,” I growl, pinching my nose. “Back to my place. I’m not arguing that.”

She glances at her van like she’s considering making a run for it, but then she nods. Maybe it’s finally sinking in, the gravity of the situation. Or maybe it’s just because she knows we can talk freely there without any risk of men with guns barging in.

I don’t even know what I’m going to tell her.

Part of me feels relieved as hell she’s still in one piece, this primal part that wants to pull her close, to apologize and tell her I’m glad she’s safe and nothing else matters.

The rest of me wants to tear her a new one for walking into a potential slaughter.

She glances back at the laundromat. “But what about the money—”

“Leave it,” I snap, grabbing her shoulder and spinning her around so she’s facing away from it. “The less you have to do with it, the better.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Later. You’ve got ten seconds to start the van or you’re coming with me. Move your ass.”

Her lips thin and she narrows her eyes as she glances across at the vehicle and starts moving. My eyes are glued to her surroundings the whole time, looking for any sign of unexpected cars swerving toward us.

Every nerve in my body bristles, wishing I had my gun, a token nine millimeter I keep locked up at home for personal protection.

Shit, the bystanders alone are threatening enough in this paranoid haze.

Every mom and dad hauling bulging bags of laundry, every dog walker, every teenage punk glancing our way. A kid on a skateboard sails past, probably wondering why there’s a vehicle like mine parked here.

Go, go, for fuck’s sake, woman.

I wait until Junie’s in the driver’s seat before I jump in my ride. I’ve taken one of the company cars again, and although it’s sleek, black, and not outrageously expensive, it still stands out.
