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I need to pee.

I need to lie down.

Jeez, I need a whole new life because I didnotsign up for this, stalking around and sleuthing after creeps and crooks.

The washer that’s out of commission opens too easily. I stare at it, surprised it wasn’t locked or something.

The drum looks oddly hollowed out, the innards more like a thin cover. And inside—a black bag.

I don’t think, I just reach in and tug the zipper down, revealing a flash of green cash. Lots and lots of bills.

I’m finally about to breathe when a thick hand lands on my shoulder.

I’m screaming before I even whip around.



Junie’s eyes roll like marbles as I swing her around, and I curse myself for scaring her.

Goddammit, though, sheshouldbe afraid for doing this alone.

Past her, in the hollow drum of the washing machine, I catch a glimpse of cash sticking out like waving leaves.

Fucking hell, this is bad.

The kind of bad you only hear about on a crime podcast or Sunday evening TV specials.

I’d bet my life this place is rigged with cameras, too.

Which means the owners of this money will have a crystal-clear shot of my face, and more importantly, they’ll have hers.

If they haven’t already figured out their cover’s been blown by nosy interlopers, they will pretty damn soon, and they’ll know who’s responsible.

What will they do to keep their secret safe?

There could be men with dead eyes and sidearms barreling toward us in black SUVs right now.

I need to get her the fuck out of here.

“Dex,” she whispers, staggering back like she’s been hit.

I stare her down, hating that I hope it’s finally dawning on her just how serious this is. Shit, if I hadn’t found her here first—


I bury the thought before it sees the light of day. I’m not going to lose my shit just because her curiosity trumps her sense of self-preservation.

“Outside. Right fucking now,” I bite off, slamming the washer shut so hard it echoes through the room.

The old lady by the front doesn’t even look at us as we head through the door.

To think I was angry at the way I handled warning her. At the way she’s involved in this fuckery thanks to me.

The way I yelled at her.

I thought she was angry because of the situation, the fact that Haute was playing us for fools.
