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“Hope they do. They’ll see the luckiest asshole in Kansas City,” he mutters, sliding a hand up my top. And God, I really hadn’t appreciated just what a calloused hand can do. Every scrape of his skin against mine tingles.

Today doesn’t have the frenzied air last night did.

The desire that unfurls in my veins is different now, stoked by the gentle yet insistent way he explores my skin as he kisses me.

His cock rubs against me through his pants, but it’s not in charge like the other times.

This is what lust feels like when it’s charged with raw emotion and trust implicit in every movement.

When he growls and pulls my top off over my head, I let him.

When he strips off my jeans and panties, I don’t fight, gasping and flushing at the feel of the warm evening licking every part of me.

I’ve never done anything like this before, yet somehow, I love the fact that it took this man to drag it out of me.

“Do you know I’ve had this on my mind all damn day?” he asks, unhooking my bra with one hand and freeing my breasts. His gaze is as reverent as his hands. “Perfect, so fucking perfect. Don’t ever let anybody tell you different, Junie. Hell, don’t let anyone else ever see you naked.”

That’s it.

The jealous thunder in his voice melts what’s left of my doubt.

I let my head fall back as his tongue finds one nipple and then the next, sucking until they’re soft and pulsing.

“Perfect,” he growls again, sliding a hand down the flare of my hips and thighs. “Do you have any damn clue how much you’re in my head?”

My stomach curls with anticipation and familiar holy hellfire.

“How much?” I whisper.

“Enough to want to take you in every corner of my house from the minute I brought you home.” That hand on my leg draws lazy circles as he approaches my center.

I know what he’ll find when he gets there, and I keep my gaze on him.

I want to see his face when he feels how wet I am.

I want to hear him groan with delight, imagining his cock sinking into me before his fingers leave me even wetter and aching like mad.

“That’s it? Only when you had to bring me here?” I tease, knowing the truth.

I still want to hear it from his mouth.

“Fuck no. When we were in my office, I could only see you on my desk, ass up and getting fucked senseless.” He shoves my legs farther apart. “In your grandmother’s garden, when we first kissed, it’s a miracle it didn’t turn into a porno. Shit, in your store—I was so close to marching you into the back room, throwing you on the counter, and eating your sweet pussy for hours.”

Oh God. Oh God.

I’m trembling with need, every filthy vision he describes mirrored in my head.

It’s ludicrous what he does to me, but my world has contracted to Dex, and nothing else.

His clever fingers.

His voice, intent on ruining me.

His cock, hard and ready to go to work, throbbing when I reach down to squeeze him through his pants.

In his office. In the garden. On the counter.

Hell, on the floor. I won’t ever think twice.
