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I mean to be gentle—to tell her everything I can’t say with words—until I can’t.

The second she wraps her arms around my neck and opens my mouth, my body reacts with volcanic need. Every slip of her tongue, the tiny noise she makes when I pull her closer, the way she digs her fingers in my hair—everything she does sets me on fire.

Juniper Winkley needs to know what she does to me.

Howspecialshe is.

For better or worse, she needs to wrap her pretty little head around how damnably hard it’s going to be to ever let her go.



Idesperately need my temperature checked.

I can’t believe I just poured my heart out toDexter Rory.

Dexter, who, instead of dismissing my dumb insecurities, listened and reassured me like a normal human being.

Dexter, who’s now carrying me upstairs like I’m lighter than a feather.

But we don’t wind up in his bed. We walk through the large, soothing bedroom suite with its modern Scandinavian wood and neutral colors. He’s taking me to the balcony.

My heart leaps.

The air’s still balmy as he sets me down and I grasp the railings, gripping them almost out of habit.

From up here, the entire city feels like it’s spread out before me. A glowing evening buffet of multiplying lights and the stark red ribbon of sunset.

Dexter glows in the same brilliant shadows, his blue eyes rivaling the dusky sky when he looks at me dead-on.

“You’re so beautiful it hurts,” he says. The simple harshness of those words makes my heart ache. “Your ex is a brainless fucking worm for not realizing it.”

The ring isn’t even on my finger right now.

I took it off to cook, but I wish I hadn’t, if only to have something physical grounding me as he sends me soaring.

“Woman, I know you won’t believe me if I just come out and say it,” he continues like he can read my mind, “so instead of trying to tell you, I’m going to show you. Right here in front of the world.”


Before I can say another word, he kisses me again.

And I want to fight it, to deny his sweetness, to resist these lips that can’t possibly be this serious about me.

But his rough, thick hands cup my face and his body feels too good and God, this man is a magician. One glance and I’m losing myself.

Liam never had a crumb of his magic.

Liam never sent my soul to the sunsets and the stars like Dexter does with one kiss.

He damn sure never listened or made me feelheardthe way this gorgeous man just did.

He never made me feel valued.

Calling me beautiful, that might be a stretch, but it doesn’t take away from the moment.

“People might see,” I whisper against his mouth. “What happens if they look up?”
