Page 82 of Loyalty

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Signora Esposito glanced over at the fabric satchel, strapped to Roberto’s saddle. “If it does, you’ll buy me new clothes. This uniform isn’t my choice. I like to dress nice. Don’t think I don’t.”

Roberto rolled his eyes. “Franco, does she remind you of Mamma?”

“Why do you think I hired her?”

Signora Esposito clucked. “Madonna, how do I tell you two apart?”

Roberto answered, “I’m fun, he’s not. That’s how you know.”

Signora Esposito cackled like a little witch. “Ha! You boys found your match in me. I know how to handle naughty ones like you!”

Roberto smiled. “I’m nice, he’s naughty.”

Franco nodded. “That’s true.”

Signora Esposito cackled away. “Looks like I have twins to raise!”

Franco snorted. “I’m already raised.”

“I’m not,” Roberto shot back. “Signora Esposito, tell us about those beauties we saw on the balcony, starting with the redhead—”

“Vai!” Franco kicked Arabo into a gallop.

“Nooooo!” wailed Signora Esposito.


Gaetano spent the day interviewing families on the list from the first kidnapping, but the second kidnapping weighed on his mind. He kept thinking about little Vittorio, the second victim, and the family that had left the city. He couldn’t wait until Carmine got out of work to talk it over with him.

Gaetano waited for him, sitting on a park bench opposite Carmine’s office on the Piazza della Vittoria, only a block from the Cathedral and lined with government buildings, including theQuestura.The office looked similar to Don Matteo’s, which Gaetano pushed from his mind. He was excited about going into business with Carmine. Soon, he hoped to send for Maria and the boys, reuniting as a family.

“Carmine!” Gaetano called out, when his friend emerged from the building, beaming like a little boy.

“Gaetano, I did it! I’m free!”

“Bravo!” Gaetano rose and greeted him. “How did it go? Tell me everything!”

“Let’s walk!” Carmine launched into the story of how he quit his job, and the two men fell into stride. Gaetano experienced the warm, good feeling that came from having a like-minded friend, and they walked down Via Toledo together.

When Carmine finished his story, he looked over. “So, what’s new in the investigation?”

“There’s a development in the second kidnapping, which I need help sorting.”

Gaetano told him about his visit to the silversmith shop, then to the house of the second victim. It took until they had reached the Quattro Canti, and the intersection was flooded with pale golden light. Gaetano was standing where it had all begun.

Carmine stopped. “Gaetano, you’re trying to find out the address of this second home, correct?”

“Yes, because it strikes me as strange that they left town, since the boy, Vittorio, was kidnapped in Palermo. It would make it harder to contact them with a ransom demand.”

“I agree.”

“They must have a second home somewhere, because many of that class do, and this second home may well becloserto the kidnapper.”

“Yes, they must have some reason to believe it would be easier for the kidnapper to contact them at their second home, rather than in Palermo.”

“That makes perfect sense. What’s their name, by the way?”

“The boy is Vittorio, and his parents are Vito Curcio and Eleanora Sebina.”
