Page 54 of Loyalty

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“No, this is areward, it’searned. A man gets his belt buckle when I deem him worthy.”

“Like a promotion?”

“Yes, but better. Something that shows everybody what a man’s achieved.”

“By looking at his crotch.”

“If it isn’t big enough already, it will be now.” They both burst into laughter, identical echoes of one another.

“I like it.” Franco smiled.

“So, you understand.” Roberto smiled back, nodding. “Now everyone can see that a man is a respected member of our family. As our reputation spreads, every man will want one.”

Franco felt a rush of happiness. “Mamma would love what we’re doing.”

“Papa loved us whether we did anything or not.”

Franco let it go. “How manygiardinido we protect?”

“Most of the big ones.”

“I wish we had them all.”

“It takes time. It’s the reason I’m hiring now. It’s cutting into my profits, but I’m going to grab all the best men—sorry, the worst men. Allow me to explain.” Roberto drew a line in the air. “I need men in the right age group. Then I need those with a criminal record, or aspirations. After that, they have to be able to shoot. I want only men who meet all three qualifications. If I hire more now, I’ll lose money, but I’ll make it back later. And I’ll have a head start against any competitors. I’llownthe best worst men.”

Franco smiled, impressed. “You’re smarter than you look.”

“So are you,” Roberto shot back. “Now tell me your news. I tell you every woman I bed, how happy I made her, how lucky she was, her sighs and caresses, her filthy, sinful, delicious words—”

“First, business.”

“—and I’m an excellent lover. I could give you pointers, but I won’t.I’mking ofthatmountain.”

Franco tried to focus Roberto’s attention. “Listen, not all of the noblemen in the Conca d’Oro have money like Baron Zito. They keep up appearances, but they can’t afford to maintain their estates. They owe taxes and creditors.”

“I noticed. Palermo is populated by empty titles.”

“Exactly.” Franco’s heartbeat quickened. “I heard Baron Moravio is selling a parcel of hisgiardino, six hectares. It goes up at auction next week. It’s closer to the irrigation canals than Baron Zito’s, so the soil is perfection. If we owned that parcel, I could make it produce better than it does now.”


“He’s selling because he has gambling debts.”

“I could givehimpointers, too, but I can’t educate theworld.” Roberto’s eyes lit up. “Wait. It has a nice farmhouse, doesn’t it? If you’re getting married, I can live there.”

“Yes, and you could run your business out of there.”

“So how much will it go for? Can we afford it?”

“Yes, considering my savings, salary, and what you’re earning.” Franco rose to fetch the ledger from his bureau drawer. “I’ve gone over the numbers. I think we can make a reasonable bid.”

“So we couldownland, you and me?”

“Absolutely, I told you.” Franco hurried back with the ledger.

Roberto groaned. “Not the ledger, the numbers, the lecture. Tell me about your woman instead. Ezio knows Nenella, and he saw them in the Capo market from behind. He said she has red hair and a nice ass.”

Franco shot him a look. “Don’t talk about her that way.”
