Page 123 of Loyalty

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“Sulfur. I’m from out there, on my mother’s side. There’s a lot of sulfur mines out there, and the biggest is owned by the Marescas. My cousin used to work there. The boss is Don Bruno.”

“Where’s this mine?”



The night was cool and breezy, and cigarette smoke wafted from the table under the pergola. Franco had served the finest dinner, pasta with ricotta and pistachio pesto, sea bass with lemon and parsley sauce, roast chicken with couscous and mint, and an array of cheese, nuts, and sweets for dessert. But the men had eaten in virtual silence. They were Roberto’s top soldiers, whose wives had come to the previous dinner. They’d thanked Franco for the coral necklaces, but the jewelry hadn’t won the men over. Their stiff demeanor told him they still suspected him of Bruna’s murder.

Franco stood up, and their flinty eyes and stony expressions flickered in the candlelight. “Gentlemen, thank you for coming. As I said, we all mourn the loss of Donna Bruna, the wife of our beloved Don Roberto and the mother of my nephew Patrizio. I know you love Don Roberto, but if I may say so, none of you love him as much as I do. Roberto and I are twins. The connection between us began as soon as life began.” Franco gestured to his heart. “He and I feel deep love, and I hope you’re reminded of it, every time you see me. I am Don Roberto, and he is me. Because this is true, you know that seeing him mourn at the funeral broke my heart. He’s not only my blood, butmyself.”

The men remained impassive behind the screen of smoke.

“A long time ago, I asked Don Roberto to come to Palermo and helpme build this family. He has been at my right hand every step of the way, and you have been at his. You’re invaluable to our family, and Don Roberto never loses sight of that fact, nor do I.” Franco allowed himself a slight frown. “Perhaps I’ve been remiss in not spending more time with you, but my twin is an excellent boss. I would never overstep my bounds with him. I don’t tonight, either. I call you here only to speak very personally.”

A few of the heads cocked, and the men looked intrigued.

“I know some of you may suspect I had something to do with Donna Bruna’s murder. I swear to you now, I did not. I would never harm the wife of my brother. I would never do anything to hurt Don Roberto in any way.” Franco lied with a level gaze. “I tell you the truth, and that is the truth. Don Roberto knows I had nothing to do with her murder, because he knows my soul.”

The men blinked, stunned that he would discuss the matter so openly.

“But I will also tell you, I have new concerns about the Maresca family. Don Bruno has no love for me. You saw him at the funeral.” Franco knew that if Signora Esposito had noticed, they had, too. “I didn’t realize it was happening, but Don Bruno has been undermining me with my own twin. He’s been trying to convince Roberto to leave us, move to Mussomeli, and join the Marescas in the sulfur business. Don Bruno has been doing so secretly, under the surface like a rat.”

The men listened, and Franco could see they were thinking it over.

“Frankly, I underestimated the man. His family is growing in power and wealth in Mussomeli, but how long do you think he’ll remain content out there, in that filthy business, when he sees how much we have in Palermo? How great our bounty in these beautifulgiardini? How much we earn here in paradise?”

The men glanced at each other.

“Everybody knows that Palermo is the jewel in Sicily’s crown. The Fiorvanti family controls Palermo. I believe Don Bruno has been tryingto win over Don Roberto in order to take our business from us.” Franco leaned forward, urgent. “We must unite as a family, reaffirm our loyalty to one another, and prepare for an attack by Don Bruno and the Marescas. Because that’s what’s going to happen next.”

Franco was offering them someone to hate other than himself. Even he was starting to believe his own words. He was so convincing, he’d convinced himself.

“Don Bruno intends to take our business, and if he succeeds, I don’t have to tell you what he would do. Once he takes power, he’ll destroy me and Don Roberto. Don Bruno wantswar.”

Franco paused to let the word sink in, and the men started nodding. He sensed a tense undercurrent, now directed at their common enemy.

“I tell you, I wouldn’t be surprised if Don Brunohimselfhad something to do with Donna Bruna’s murder.”

One of the men recoiled, and another shook his head.

“I see, you’re asking yourself, ‘Why would Don Bruno kill his own daughter?’ Here’s the reason. Don Bruno knew that if something happened to Donna Bruna, you would suspect me. He was trying to sow discord to weaken our family for attack. He sacrificed his own child for money and power. But his manipulations don’t fool me, nor do they fool you.”

Franco used the words Don Bruno had used with him, and the men mulled it over.

“Last night, my wife, Donna Elvira, gave each of your wives a coral necklace. Jewelry is a gift for women. What I give you is something more important. My loyalty. I will be loyal to you because of all you do for our family. We must be loyal to each other if we are going to defeat the Marescas.” Franco took his knife, pricked his finger, then slid from his pocket a picture of Saint Rosalia. “Many years ago, you swore an oath to me and our family. I administered the oaths, but never swore one myself. Tonight, I do, to you.”

Franco dripped his blood onto the holy picture, then put it to thecandle flame. “I, Don Franco Fiorvanti, swear an oath of loyalty to you tonight. I promise to serve our family above all others. I will prove my honor and respect for our clan byomertà, my absolute silence about our family.”

Franco raised his gaze to each man, in turn. Mouths dropped open and eyes glazed in the candlelight. They were astounded that theircapo di tutti capiwould humble himself before them.

“The oath I swear tonight is sacred, and if I breach it or disobey, I deserve death.” Franco straightened as flame consumed the bloodied picture. Its ashes fluttered to the table. “That is my oath, to you.”

“Bravo, Don Franco!” the men exulted. “We will fight for you and Don Roberto!” “We will defeat Don Bruno!” “We are the Fiorvantis!”

Franco savored his victory.

