Page 34 of Claimed

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“It’s a sensible solution to a tricky situation.”

“You’re treatin’ marriage like it’s a business deal,” she hissed. “What about love? Trust?”

Those words were like foreign currency in my line of work. “What I’m offering is protection, my last name, and a future.”

“You’re makin’ a mockery of marriage. And me.”

I raised a brow. “I’m being practical. Jack needs stability, and you need support. We can provide that for each other.”

Her hands clenched into fists. “You can’t buy and sell people’s lives like they’re cattle.”

“Eight minutes, Bumpkin.”

“You’re unbelievable.”

Her gaze flicked to Romeo and Jack. Taking Jack away from her was a dirty move—an intimidation tactic guaranteed to hit her in the feels. I could see the panic working through her. Jack wasn’t in any danger. I just didn’t want her to consider my proposal with a clear head. If she felt pressured, she was more likely to say yes.

And I needed her to cave.

I couldn’t remove her from my son’s life without becoming an evil piece of shit, but trusting a stranger wasn’t an option either. Marriage was the compromise. If she didn’t agree to marry me, I’d destroy her. I’d slap a restraining order on her, drown her in civil lawsuits, and bankrupt her.

“You can’t coerce me into marryin’ you.”

I shrugged. “I don’t get my way by being nice.”

She took a deep breath. “What happens when this marriage becomes another thing you have to control? What then? You gonna time my freedom too?”

“You’ll be freer with me than you will on the run.”

“I won’t have to do that if you let me go.”

“Four minutes, Bumpkin.”

She shoved the ring into the box and held it out to me. “The answer’s no.”

“You don’t mean that.”

“I do. Take your ring and choke on it.”

I gritted my teeth. “This isn’t just about you. Think about Jack.”

She glared at me. “If he was older, he’d call me stupid if I didn’t see through such a desperate move.”

My brow arched. “I’m desperate?”

“Yeah,” she spat. “You have a lot to lose. Maybe you don’t have a case at all. Why did you even buy that ring?”

“You needed proof that I was serious. A ring seemed like a big enough gesture. If you say no, I’ll pawn it and contact my lawyer.”

She snorted. “It’s probably fifteen grand or more.”

“Multiply that by ten, and you’ll be closer to the price.”

Her blue eyes wouldn’t release me. “Achille, why do you want this?”

“If you call me Uh-kay-lay at the altar, so help me God.”

”Stop dodging my questions.”
