Page 33 of Claimed

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“Why would you want to marry me?”

His cold eyes drilled holes in my chest. “It’s not about that. I’m securing Jack’s future.”

The sharp retort I’d prepared melted away. “Elise told me to stay away from you. She called you dangerous.”

“I could’ve saved her life.”

“For all I know, you’re the reason she’s dead.”

He offered me a small smile. “If I were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

My cheeks flushed. “Look, I’m willing to negotiate joint custody.”

“But I’m not.”

“Please be reasonable.”

He glanced at me. “He’s not even yours.”

My stomach plummeted. “He’s as good as. Who else does he have? You? You’re a monster.”

“You kept my son from me. Some would argue you’re the monster.”

I folded my arms. “If I agree to this, how can I trust you’ll keep your end of the bargain?”

“We’ll meet with our lawyers about the prenup.”

“If I say yes, what do I get?”

“Your life back. You won’t have to worry about putting food on the table again.”

“How do I know you’re tellin’ the truth?”

He grabbed a felt box from his inside pocket and tossed it at me. “Don’t expect me to bend on one knee.”

I caught it. Then I opened the box, and my skin tingled. Attached to a simple golden band was the biggest rock I’d ever seen. I couldn’t help myself. I slipped it on my finger. It went on like butter. The diamond sparkled. Tiny rainbow shards winked in the light.


As a young girl, I’d dreamed of this moment. Aside from the ring, it was all wrong, from the backdrop of the mall to the scowling man beside me. I tried to picture Achille turning into my husband, but my imagination froze at the kiss at the altar.

I looked at him. “I need more time to decide.”

He nodded. “I’ll give you ten minutes.”



Violet’s eyes flashed. “You can’t set a timer on a decision like this. That’s not how it works.”

“Seems like you’re more used to country life where decisions are as long as a summer day,” I drawled, enjoying the sight of her flustered. “Ten minutes, Bumpkin. Time’s ticking.”

“You’re out of your mind,” she muttered.

I checked my watch. “My offer expires in nine minutes, thirty-two seconds. After that, I’ll proceed with the custody battle.”

She bristled. “This is coercion.”
