Page 185 of Cold-Blooded Liar

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“Depends,” she whispered, her throat too tight.

One side of his mouth lifted, as if he’d expected her to say that. “Find another therapist. Ninety-nine percent of us aren’t like Scott. Your job is stressful, but you do good, Kit. You need someone you can trust.”

I trust you. She’d thought that she might be able to tell this man anything, and he’d be her vault. Like Marian was to Baz.

But that wasn’t going to happen. “I’ll try.”

“Okay. Have a good life, Kit. I mean that.”

“I know you do. You do the same. Don’t take any more murderers or cold-blooded liars as clients, okay?”

He didn’t smile at her light teasing. “I’ll try.”

She stood and waved him back down when he started to stand as well. “Thank you, Sam.”

Then she turned and all but ran to her Subaru, Snickerdoodle trotting along beside her.

She stopped when she got to the corner, looking back once. He was still watching her.

She could go back. She could have this. She could have someone.

But people left. And the good ones who didn’t leave... well, they deserved someone better than a woman who worked too many hours because she was running from her own demons.

Huh. I guess I got something from Dr.Scott after all.

Deliberately, she turned the corner, walking away.

San Diego, California

Sunday, April 24, 11:00 a.m.

Sam’s heart sank as she walked away.

He’d been afraid that she’d be afraid of him, even after she’d asked him out for coffee. She wouldn’t agree that she was afraid. She would say that she wasn’t afraid of anyone or anything.

But that wouldn’t be true. She was afraid of opening up. Of leaning on someone. Of depending on someone. On me.

But she had opened up. She had leaned on him. She’d trusted him.

I shouldn’t have called this a date. I should have let her think it was just coffee.

But that wouldn’t have been honest, and Sam wasn’t going to be anything else.

She was interested. Sam could see it. She was denying it, though. Or she’d already decided that it would never work. Probably a little bit of both.

He wouldn’t push her, even though he wanted to.

She’d told Joel that they could be friends. She totally walked away from me.

That was both frustrating and encouraging. If she didn’t care, she would have just said we could be friends, too. But she’d walked away.

And you’re analyzing her, which is probably the last thing she wants.


Sam looked up to find his noon appointment standing by the table, studying him with a worried expression. Shaking off his frustration over Kit, Sam stood and shook Alvin Levinson’s hand. “Al. You’re really early.”

He’d agreed to see the other psychologist at noon because Kit had said she had Sunday dinner with her family then.
