Page 73 of Take You Down

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“Take it all.” I still for a moment, letting her adjust, and allowing myself to take a few deep breaths to center myself, already feeling too close to the edge.

But Scar has other plans as she wiggles her hips from side to side, silently encouraging me to move. And who am I to deny this stunning woman in my hands right now?

I pull almost all the way out of her, leaving just the tip of my cock inside, before pushing back in, enjoying the way Scar drops her forehead to the cushion in front of her as I hit that deep spot inside of her.

“That’s my girl,” I praise, rubbing my hands up and down her back, sneaking them in front of her to palm her breasts, teasing them down her thighs and snaking one around to her clit, pinching it and causing her to cry out.

I rub her clit between my fingers as I continue to fuck her at a deep, steady pace.

“Fuck, Walker,” Scar cries out, lifting off her elbows and grabbing the back of my neck, bringing my mouth down to hers as she twists her head to the side. She kisses me roughly, biting my lip as I continue to thrust into her. Our foreheads lean into one another, sweat across both our brows as we stare into each other's eyes, sharing the same breath.

I feel my release building at the base of my spine and I know I don’t have much time left. Pulling out quickly and before Scar can protest, I flip her over and lay her down on the couch, climbing over her and sliding myself back in.

“More,” Scar says, meeting my thrusts, giving just as good as she takes. I keep the same pace, but make each stroke deeper, harder. She whimpers, and I sit back on my knees to take her all in.

Fuck, she’s beautiful.

Her lips are swollen from sucking my cock and our kisses, cheeks high with color. Her hair is fanned out behind her, neck tilted toward the ceiling, begging for my hand to wrap around it. Scar’s skin is glowing, even in the sparse lighting of the bus. Her legs wrap around my waist to pull me closer and urge me faster. But what I can’t look away from are her eyes. Deep, burning brown eyes stare into my own as if we are one.

And at this moment, we are.

My mind is clear of the stresses of being on the road, the tension within the band, the article from this morning, Scar baring her soul to me, everything. Here, right now, my one and only thought is of Scar and the feeling that is passing between us. It’s more than the sex and the high we’re chasing. It’s an understanding and emotional depth that I feel being reborn with each touch. And looking into her eyes, I know she feels it too.

“Harder.” Scar brings me out of my trance and I feel my control slipping. I lean back over her body, bringing us chest to chest, and cover her neck with my hand. Before applying any pressure, I look into Scar’s eyes, silently seeking permission. A wicked little smile curves on her soft lips and she places her own hand over mine and squeezes it.

“Fuck, sweetheart. You’re gonna be the death of me.” I bear down, careful to keep pressure on the sides. We can’t look away from each other as my hips begin to move on their own, growing more erratic by the minute. I feel the pressure locking up in my spine and I know I can’t go for much longer.

Scar’s nails dig into my shoulders and down my back and I can feel she’s close too. Reaching my free down between us, I circle her clit and it only takes a few times around before her back is arching, mouth open in silent ecstasy and she’s clamping down around me like a vice.

“Scarlett!” I cry out as I come, slamming into her once, twice, three more times before I still and release the pressure of my hand. Scar’s body shivers, riding out her waves of pleasure.

I rain soft kisses across her cheeks, forehead, mouth, neck, anywhere and everywhere I can as she comes down from her high. Her hands skate along my back, rubbing soothing circles over my skin.

“Thank you,” Scar says softly, breaking us both out of a trance.

I shift my body so I’m lying on my side and pull her tightly to me, wrapping her in my arms. “No, thank you,” I say. “You were fucking incredible.”

“I wasn’t saying thank you for that.” She laughs, slapping my hand that I’ve laid on top of one of hers.

Scar turns her head so she’s looking at me as she says, “Thank you for not looking at me any differently than you did yesterday before you knew all of the ugliest parts of myself.”

Her eyes gloss over with tears and I lean forward, placing a kiss on top of her forehead.

Finally in this moment when I look at Scar and feel her body cuddled close to mine, there are no walls up, no barriers surrounding her heart to keep me out. Her guard is down and she’s handed me her trust, which I hold tight to my chest and will protect with everything I have.

“It’s a privilege to get to see and love every part of you, Scar.”



It’s been almost two weeks since the first article came out and we have just over three weeks left on tour. I’ve been having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. My life is going to be completely different when I go back to L.A., yet also somewhat the same. The past few months, everything has changed both personally and professionally for me. The exposure this tour has given me has been both a blessing and a curse, but I’m trying to be a glass half full kind of person for once in my life.

And that’s all thanks to Walker. Before him, I felt stagnant, content with living in relative anonymity, had found comfort in gloominess and the hollow feeling that usually occupied my chest. I protected my heart and feelings so soundly with walls so high no light could be let through and I didn’t realize how much I missed the sunshine until he started chipping away at me, little by little.

There’s an air to each step I take now, a freedom I’ve found in having everyone around me know the ugliest parts of myself, the worst mistakes I’ve ever made, and not have to be worried about letting them slip past my defenses.

When the guys all showed back up to the bus the afternoon after everything went down, my nerves were shot. I didn’t want to see if they looked at me any differently, or held any resentment toward me for bringing this sort of negative attention around myself, and by proxy, to one of their best friends.

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