Page 18 of Rhodie

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“I can only tell you what I overheard. Kraykowski is looking for a woman. The guy he works for, he wants her. That’s all I know, that’s all I heard.”

Rhodie looks back at Marx and they have some type of manly conversation that doesn’t require any words. Rhodie gives Rider a chin lift and the pulley system raises Electro-Dick, the douche formally known as Gun Guy.

“Ah, what? That’s it? What type of pussy show was that? Jesus, they don’t make bad guys like they used to. Gets his dick lit up once, and that’s all she wrote? I reckon there’s more in there. Wanna leave him with me for a bit?” Pops whines and then offers into the room. He looks around and I can see that both Rider and Rhodie want to laugh whilst Marx is looking unusually tense.

“Pops, I think it’s probably time for your TV dinner and a nap,” Tav says with a big grin, although after Pops reaches out and cuffs him around the head, that disappears fast.

“Don’t get worried just yet Pops, we ain’t done with him” Rhodie grins wide at Electro-Dick whilst he whimpers back,

“I told you everything I know!”

“Nah, I have more uses for you yet.” Rhodie, quick as lightning hits him with his massive fist, knocking him out completely.

Pops lets out a snort, then turns towards the door.

“I’m thirsty. Where’s that bar prospect?”

All my brothers and the MC brothers chuckle and follow Pops back into the bar area of the common room. We right whatever furniture was knocked over and considering not one hour ago this place got shot up, it is looking pretty good. Rider and Wire wave me over to their table and I see my brothers are now sitting with Marx at his table and Pops is having an animated conversation with the bartending Prospect. I take my seat and look up when Rhodie comes to sit down.

“I had to go wash that guy’s dick off my hands,” he tells me with a shudder. I don’t want to think too hard about what type of dick germs that guy could have, so I move on, cocking my eyebrow.

“So, boys, what are we drinking?”


I haven’t been able to take my eyes off the little temptress sitting across the table from me the whole time we’ve been out here after that shed session. I’m painfully hard and have been since I saw her vibrating with excitement watching me work on that dickhead that shot up the joint. Bouncing on her toes, I could clearly see her luscious tits jiggling away underneath her t-shirt. It was so hard not to just throw her over my shoulder and storm outta there, but I had work to do and Marx would kick my ass if I did that. But I seriously considered it and that thought shocks me.

I’ve never really thought about taking on a woman. I figured no one would want me with my background. PTSD from one too many tours, killed too many people, and it’s not like I’ve stopped since I’ve been out either. I mean, we are a completely above board MC, but living this lifestyle sometimes you have to do some more than shady shit, and sometimes that involves taking someone out. We’re good guys who sometimes do bad things, and most women wouldn’t understand that.

Not Chewy. She has her own brand of darkness that, if I’m being honest, is much darker than mine. However, alongside that, she is sweet and bubbly and such a ray of sunshine. It shouldn’t work and yet it totally does. She’s so fucking adorable and badass all rolled into one. Wire, Rider, and her are currently in a heated debate about who they think would win in a fight between Batman and Elon Musk. According to Chewy, they are basically the same guy. Before I can get a word in, a hand rubs across my shoulder, down over my chest. I grip the wrist attached to the hand before turning to look up and see that Whitney is smiling down at me, her red lips glossy in the light.

“Rhodie, it’s been such a long time since I last felt your cock inside me. Why don’t you come and fill me up?” I can’t believe I ever fucked this girl. Everything on her is plastic, and her eyebrows don’t move. It’s kinda creepy. I throw her hand off me, offended that she’d even touch me in Chewy’s presence.

“Whitney, take off. Find another brother to fuck you.”

“Aw but baby, me and Monica miss you. Why don’t you come with us and let both of us take care of that big cock of yours?” Before I can tell her to fuck off, Monica materializes out of nowhere, gripping Whitney’s boob before giving her a sloppy kiss. Whilst this is happening, I feel Whitney run her hand down over my abs. Before she can get any further, I stand up, throwing my chair back.

“I’ve already told you bitches I’m not interested. If I have to tell you again, I’ll make sure you never come back here. No one wants club whores that don’t fucking listen,” I growl out. I see both their eyes widen before they look down and scuttle off. I’m fucking embarrassed that Chewy had to witness that, but when I look across the table at her, I see her frowning at me.

“You know, you could have gone with them. I wouldn’t mind. I mean, if I had two guys behaving like that and gagging to fuck me, I wouldn’t be sitting here with you,” I hear Rider whisper, “Oh shit!” whilst I see Wire pull his lips in between his teeth.

“What do you mean, you wouldn’t be here with me, Chewy?” I ask her in a low voice, heart thudding. Have I gotten the wrong picture here?

“Well, why would I give up a hot threesome to hang out with my friends all night? That seems like poor decision-making,” she shrugs, her giant eyes holding mine for a moment before flitting away.

“Is that what we are, Chewy? Friends?” Her eyes snap back to mine, and they’re as big as saucers.

“Um, did I get that wrong? Aren’t we friends?” she looks around at Rider and Wire for confirmation. “Shit! Maybe I assumed that, but really, we’re just work acquaintances?” she tilts her head at me with a frown, desperate for answers.

I let out a sigh, righting the chair I knocked down and taking a seat. I can see her brothers along with my own brother, looking over with interest. I glance over to the bar and I see Pops has a hunting knife in his hand that he points my way before drawing it across his throat slowly to show me exactly what he will do to me if I fuck this up. I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. I’m never like this. Taking a deep breath, I decide to spell it out for her. She’s clearly not picking up what I’ve been putting down.

“Chewy. Rider and Wire and Marx and all the other brothers are your friends. But, um, I would like to be a bit more than friends,” She tilts her head once more.

“You mean, like best friends?” I hear Wire snort before Rider says,

“Maybe a bit more than that, Chewy, like with touching and less clothes” “

Her eyes light up as she realizes what we’re alluding to.

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