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Chapter 5


Ileapt off his lap like a startled cat, practically hissing with irritation at the backhanded way he’d brought up marriage. Something so sacred should be treated with more respect than a casual comment to the woman you’d knocked up during a one-night stand—even if I was the woman in question and a part of me desperately wanted to accept his proposal. Or his assumption that we were going to get married since he hadn’t actually bothered to propose.

“I can’t—you just—this isn’t—” I sputtered, unable to form a complete sentence.

“You can,” he snapped, snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me back onto his lap.

“You will.” He dropped a kiss on my lips when I tried to disagree with him.

“And none of this is up for debate.” His hand rested on my stomach, giving it a little squeeze for emphasis.

“Forgive me for thinking I should have a say in decisions that impact my future.” My sarcastic response earned me a little swat on my butt after he’d tilted me to the side. “Hey!” I yelped.

“I think you meant to say our future,” he rumbled. “Didn’t you, Jules?’

“Well, yeah. Kinda. Sorta,” I mumbled, flustered by the rush of heat in my veins from the sting his hand left behind. “I mean, obviously our lives will be intertwined from now on because of the baby, but that doesn’t mean you get to just proclaim that I’m going to move in and marry you. You can’t expect me to meekly follow your dictate like some brainless sycophant.”

“I never said I didn’t expect you to need a little time to agree with me, baby,” he chuckled. “Feel free to try and resist, as long as you keep in mind that it’s futile because you’re going to have my ring on your finger to go along with my baby in your belly. At least your defiance gives me an excuse to get creative when it comes to convincing you to say yes.”

“Creative?” I gasped as his palm slid up my thigh to cup me intimately.

“How else am I supposed to get you to mindlessly agree with me except to make you lose all reason?” His question was a rumble of sound against my skin as he kissed my throat and worked his way around to my ear. “It only seems fair since you’ve driven me out of mine for months. It’s a damn good thing our new fundraising campaign has decreased my surgery time because you’ve been hell on my concentration.”

“Really?” I whispered back, surprised to hear he’d thought about me enough to mess with his focus.

“I couldn’t seem to get you out of my head.” He gripped my neck to pull me closer and dropped his forehead against mine. “Not that I tried too hard. It made me feel closer to you.”

I melted, utterly enchanted by his admission. It was entirely unexpected and made me feel like maybe he wanted me for more than just the baby—and sex. I had no doubt he wanted me for that, not with the proof of his desire hard beneath me.

“And now that I have you back where you belong, you’re going to have a hard time getting me out of you. I need you too badly.” His tongue slid between my lips and caressed mine slowly. This kiss was softer than our others, more thorough, as he leisurely explored my mouth.

When he lifted his head, I was panting for breath and darn close to begging him to make me come again. Cradling me in his arms, he rose to his feet and carried me to his bedroom as though I was as light as a feather. When my back hit the mattress, I could only stare up at him helplessly. His dark eyes lit with appreciation as he looked down at me, making my nipples harden at the blatant arousal shining from his gaze.

My breath caught in my throat when he raised me up to lift my shirt over my head. With a flick of his wrist, he unsnapped my bra and slid it off my shoulders. I couldn’t stop the whimper that escaped my lips when he traced my nipple with a fingertip and it peaked even further under his touch.

“I should make you beg me for it, but I want you too much to wait any more to feel your heat wrapped around me.”

He wasn’t trying to hide how I affected him, and his honesty made me want to give him a concession. Maybe just a tiny one.

“Please, Declan. Don’t make either of us wait.” It wasn’t quite begging, but I figured it was close enough.

By the flare of approval in his eyes, it seemed he agreed. He eased my skirt over my hips and down my legs, his five o’clock shadow scraping against my sensitive skin as he nibbled his way back up my body.

“I dreamed about this pussy every single night,” he murmured, his palm cupping me again. “When I took your virginity, I claimed it as mine.”

The possessiveness in his tone sent shivers up my spine. I opened my legs wider to give him better access while I was splayed naked on the mattress beneath him. Lifting himself up, he practically tore his clothes from his body before moving back between my thighs. His cock pushed against me.

“I’m clean, it’d been almost two years for me before I saw you on that stage. I want to take you bare.”

Two years?It didn’t seem possible, considering Declan was an insanely hot doctor who was incredible in the sack. He must have interpreted my skeptical face for resistance because he continued to make his argument for going without a condom.

“I haven’t so much as even looked at another woman since that night,” he admitted. “And I’ve planted my baby inside you so there really isn’t any need for one. Besides which, we went through the entire box last time and I haven’t replaced it.”

“Fat lot of good that did.”

“You’d think the head of Pediatric surgery would have thought to look at the expiration on a box of condoms before using them,” he breathed into my ear, a hint of sheepishness in his tone. “But you had me so desperate to get inside you that I wasn’t thinking clearly.”

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