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Chapter 4


“My fault?” I laughed. I let Juliette push me down onto the sofa and was more than happy to accommodate her when she straddled my lap.

“It’s the stupid pregnancy hormones! I need you, Declan,” she pleaded.

Holy shit. If this was what I had to look forward to during a pregnancy, Juliette would be finding herself knocked up for the foreseeable future. Of course, I wanted a big family anyway, and she’d mentioned the same when we talked on our night together. So, it was going to happen either way.

I wanted to do as she asked, in fact I was really liking the idea of making her beg me. My cock was more than ready to give her exactly what she wanted after the four-month wait. Jerking off was a poor substitute for sinking inside her silken heat, but it was all I had while she was gone. Waiting even one more minute was the last thing my body wanted, but it was exactly what I needed to do for our relationship—which meant I was forced to turn in my man card for what I had to do next.

She went in for a kiss, and I wrapped my fingers around her toned biceps to hold her slightly away from me. Hurt flashed across her face and I couldn’t stand it, so I shifted my hands up to cup her face and kissed her, releasing a fraction of the passion still pent up inside me.

As soon as she began to try and get closer, to press her heat against the bulge in my slacks, I set her away again. Now she just looked confused, and maybe a little dazed from lust. There was a flush on her skin that was so beautiful, I was tempted to fuck her first, then talk later. Luckily, I was able to talk myself off the ledge. I didn’t want anything hanging over us when I finally took her to bed. I wanted hours to worship her from head to toe, no interruptions, and no questions hanging over us.

“Baby, I promise, I will take care of you. Always. But, we need to talk first.”

Her cupid’s bow mouth turned down in an adorable pout, and I had to kiss it. She sighed and it sounded like a combination of exasperation and desire. Something so simple, and it did me in.

I captured her lips in a deep kiss and ran my palms up her thighs to her center. I brushed a finger across her panties and it was soaked right through. My groan was swallowed up by the tangling of our tongues.

“So wet. I’ll take the edge off for you, baby. Okay?”

She moaned and her head dropped back, her eyes closing when I slipped a finger underneath the fabric. It was in the way, so I curled my finger around the center strip and ripped it, leaving her pussy bare. She gasped and arced her back. I ran my finger up her slit and brought it to my mouth, proceeding to suck it inside and lick it clean. She tasted so fucking delicious. I needed more.

With my hands on her waist, I encouraged her to get up onto her knees, then to her feet, so she was standing on the couch. It was the perfect fucking height. Pun intended. I tucked her long skirt into its waistband and drank in the sight of her pink, glistening sex. I licked my lips and then glanced up to see Juliette watching me with lust darkening her eyes to a deep purple.

I took her hands and placed them on either side of my head, so she was gripping the back of the couch. “Hold on tight, Juliette.” Grasping the cheeks of her ass, I tugged her forward and buried my face in her pussy, inhaling and becoming almost delirious from her potent scent. My tongue plunged inside her and then ran up her center to circle her sensitive clit. “Ride me, baby,” I grunted raggedly. I licked and nibbled her into a frenzy, forcing her to lock her legs as she fucked my face.

I took her to the brink and kept her there until she was wild and desperate, then drove two fingers inside her tight pussy and sucked her little nub hard into my mouth. She shouted my name as her knees buckled, and I held her up so I could work her through her orgasm.

As the shudders subsided, I helped her down from her perch and back into her previous position. She was so beautiful sitting there on my lap, her cheeks rosy from coming, her amethyst pools hazy with satisfaction. I took a moment to relish the fact that she was mine. My eyes dropped from her lips to her tummy and a wide grin split my face. We were going to be a family. There were only a few things that would make this even more perfect. Speaking of ...

“You know I’m ecstatic about our baby, right?” I asked enthusiastically.

Her pout turned into a deadpan expression, wariness suddenly clouding her violet eyes. She attempted to climb off of my lap but I held her hips firmly, keeping her in place. She nodded stiffly and didn’t try to move again.

“Do you have an ultrasound scheduled?” I couldn’t wait to see our little one. The four month wait for Juliette to return was excruciating, and I needed to fill my time with hope. I may have done some research. I knew all of her (yes, I think it’s a girl) joints and limbs were fully formed and we might see her stretch, or suck her thumb, and we’d be able to see her facial expressions.

“Three days from today,” she said, her tone emotionless.

I was suddenly struck by an awful thought. “Juliette, please tell me you weren’t considering not keeping our child.” We’d only spent one night together, but I felt like I knew her—my body, my heart, my soul. I knew her with every fiber of my being. And yet, I had to ask.

She recoiled and her expression turned horrified. “No!” Her hands curled protectively over her belly. “Absolutely not. Whatever happens with us, I’m keeping this baby.”

I crushed my mouth over hers, happy to know I’d been right. When I finally pulled back, I felt it all washing over me once again and a million thoughts started colliding in my brain. “Cancel your other appointment and I’ll get one scheduled for you with Dr. Frazier.”

“But, I like Dr.—”

“She’s the best OB in the state,” I said, cutting off her protest. “Plus, her office is at my hospital, so it will make it easier for me to attend all of your appointments.”

She nodded, though she certainly looked put out over it. “Bossy,” she muttered. I mentally shrugged. She’d get used to it.

“I can’t fucking believe we are having a baby,” I breathed with awe.

“About that, how did you know it was yours?”

“What?” I was genuinely confused by her question.

“When you realized I was pregnant, you said ‘we’re having a baby,’ you didn’t ask if it was yours.”

It had never occurred to me, not even once, that my beautiful dancer would get involved with someone else, that it was possible she hadn’t felt the same strong connection between us. I frowned and glared at her sternly. “Because we both know you’re mine. You have been since the moment I laid eyes on you.” I was irritated when she didn’t agree right away, but she distracted me with her next comment.

“I have no intention of keeping you from the baby, just so you know. You can be as involved as you want.”

“I’m going to be there for everything, the Lamaze classes, the midnight snack runs, baby proofing the apartment. Although,” I mused, “we can tackle that after you’re moved in and we get married.”

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