Page 169 of Magically Wild

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Grabbing the big scissors, I turn to cut the bright khaki ribbon wrapped around the heavy wooden doors. As soon as I slice through the satin, the crowd erupts into cheers, and the doors are pulled open from the other side.

I step back so people can start to file into queues at the ticket gates, a wide smile on my face as they slowly start to trickle in. Sus Oklina slides towards me on her tentacles, and my smile widens.

“Thank you so much for coming today,” I tell the journalist. She nods her bulbous head.

“The weather is lovely for it too,” she says. “You picked a wonderful place to house the sanctuary.”

I beam. “The Tibetan plateau is the most remote place on this planet. It takes twenty-one days for Earth humans to get here,” I say, glancing at the rugged terrain outside our doors.

“Thank gods, we can portal in then,” she says. “I’m not in shape to climb all these mountains.”

“Nor am I!” I laugh.

The tension in my shoulders easing, I show her around the sanctuary, and not one thing goes wrong.

At least...not until after we get an amazing review by Sus in the Otherworld Adventures magasine a few days later.

Then my radio crackles to life as I’m sitting in my office.

“Code blue! Code blue! Delilah is eating all the other kikimaras.”

And is it bad that my first thought is: thank gods she didn’t do that in front of Sus?

Jumping to my feet, I race out the door. The jobs of a zoo keeper are never done.
