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It couldn’t hurt to ask though. Maybe there is a chance that she’s magically single.

Crap, maybe I shouldn’t do that photoshoot Marley brought up, especially if I want to ask Josie out.

I’ll have Marley ask Jason, or Thomas. They’ve been griping about being lonely lately. Then, I’ll somehow come up with a way to ask Josie if she’s single after the ceremony. I’m ready to bring out the big guns and get my flirt on.

Decision made.



I’m packing up the last of my supplies in my vehicle when my name is called. The ceremony has just ended, and the guests are making their way to the reception area, while the bridal party hopped on a party bus to go for a quick spin out to take some sunset photos with the photographer's second shooter.

I turn my attention to the voice calling my name, and I’m met with a face I’m not familiar with.

“Josie, right?” The girl huffs, clutching her camera to her chest.

“That’s me,” I say with a shrug, offering her my hand. She shakes it firmly, grinning at me. She is absolutely gorgeous, her long brown hair with bangs bringing out her eyes. The tattoos scattered on her arms give her a whimsical vibe that I love. “What can I do for you? Is something wrong with the flowers?” My heart thumps hard in my chest as the momentary self-doubt rushes through me.

“No, the flowers are absolutely stunning. Megan is obsessed.”

I heave a sigh of relief, shaking out my hands. “Oh good.”

“Heck, I should probably introduce myself,” she says. “I’m Marley. I’m the photographer, and I’d love to get a business card from you. When I have meetings with potential clients, sometimes they ask for advice on other aspects about their big day. I’d love to recommend your business.”

“Oh my god, seriously? That would be amazing.” I gush, my hand coming up to my mouth in my shock.

Marley smiles. “Seriously. Here, I’ll give you my info too.” She takes a card out of her back pocket, a shiny gold logo with her business name, Chrysalis Photography, and other information on it.

“Wow,” I mutter to myself. “Thank you,” I say sincerely. tuck her card into my pocket, then rummage through the boxes in the back of my trunk, finding a card for her after a moment.

“Are you new in town?” Marley asks, looking at my card before tucking it into her own pocket.

“Yeah,” I say. I run a hand through my disheveled hair wondering where the heck my claw clip ended up at. “I moved here about… Six, no… seven months ago I think?”

“Welcome to Ivy Ridge, we’re lucky to have you. We’ve seriously been needing someone like you. Do you have a storefront?”

I shake my head. “Not yet. I took a look at a few on main street, but it’s currently out of my budget, so I’m working out of my garage for the time being.”

Marley nods. “I bet your partner loves that you’re taking up all the garage space.”

“I don’t have one,” I laugh, feeling slightly uncomfortable.“That’s why I was able to move here. I broke up with my boyfriend because he wasn’t very supportive of my career goals. So I dumped him, changed towns, and bought a house. Now I have no strings holding me back.” I bite my tongue, worried I’m oversharing.

Marley’s brows raise as I speak. “Good to know.”

“What?” I ask, raising my own brow.

“Nothing, nothing.” She waves off my concern. “Speaking of strings. Wanna get a drink or something sometime? I need more girlfriends. I pretty much have one friend, and he’s my childhood best friend. He’s a piece of work, and sometimes it’s nice to bitch about things that he will never understand.”

I can’t help but laugh, grateful that she’s sharing with me so openly in return. “Yeah, I get that. I’d love to,” I say. I’ve been meaning to put myself out there more and find some friends, but making friends as an adult is hard. It’s not like when you were a kid and you got seated next to someone in your class, and instantly became best friends. Or asking the girl next to you on the swings if she wanted to play Ring Around The Rosie with you.

“Great! Can I text you?”

“Yep, my number is on my card. Text me anytime.”

“Oh, yay! Ugh, I can’t wait. I need girl time.”

“Same,” I chuckle. I miss Tessa and having her so close by, but I need to spread my wings here, or I’ll turn into a hermit.
