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“Hey, I saw you got to meet Andrew?” Marley states like it’s a question, surprising me. Is she with him? An odd feeling of jealousy pangs at my heart, and I try my best not to show it on my face. I mean, it would totally make sense for them to be together. They’re both gorgeous, and in the short amount of time I’ve known both of them, I feel like their personalities would mesh well.

“Yeah, I did. He seemed like a nice guy,” I answer guardedly.

“He’s awesome. Like a brother to me. I noticed him helping you this morning, so I thought I’d see what you thought of him. He’s kinda goofy, but in a good way.”

A sigh of relief that they aren’t together threatens to escape my lungs, but I hold it in, grateful I don’t embarrass myself any further. However, I think Marley picks up on my relief. Her eyebrows shift subtly and her mouth quirks into a smirk. Before I can challenge her, or tell her I’m not interested in Andrew- even though I really could be- she speaks again.

“I should get going. I need to take some more pictures of the reception area before people make a mess of things. It was so good to meet you, Josie. I’ll be in touch!” I say goodbye, waving to her as she heads into the reception hall.

I get into my car and allow myself a small, satisfied smile. I think I just made a new friend.

After driving home and unloading all my things, I head into the house, giving Velma a pat on the head before heading straight to the shower. She follows me in as I start the water, and watches me as I climb in. She curls up into a little ball next to the vent blowing warm air, and promptly falls asleep.

Sometimes, I’d love to be a cat. No worries in the world, except where you’re going to take your next nap.

When I’ve rid myself of all the sweat and stink from the day, I get out of the shower, dry off, and get dressed in my coziest sweats and hoodie. I shuffle out to my living room and promptly flop onto my couch, my hair still twisted up in the towel.

Velma follows, of course, and sits herself right into my lap. I turn on an old episode of Friends, and settle in. I swipe through the photos I took today, and choose which ones I want to post to my social media. I aimlessly scroll for a bit while petting Velma. The pictures I post get a few likes, including one from my mom, and one from a spam account. Why is social media so freaking exhausting? I spent hours on a graphic and logo for my business a few weeks ago, and though I shared it on both my personal and business socials, it got barely any traction. The marketing component of owning my own business drives me nuts.

Velma purrs her contentment in my lap, and I remember the card Marley gave me earlier. Instead of shoving Velma off my lap to fish it out of the pocket of my leggings, I try to look Marley’s account up from memory. Thankfully, I find her page fairly quickly.

I scroll through her photos, completely entranced by her pictures. She has an amazing talent, and I’m almost jealous. Not only are the photos, and her subjects gorgeous, but so is the editing. The way she makes the pictures almost glow, or have a soft, muted feel, is incredible. I hit the follow button, then something catches my eye in her bio.

Now accepting applications for stranger sessions!

Below is a link to a form. I hesitate for a moment, then click it. I mean, what’s the harm in looking, right? It’s not like I have anyone in my life. I’ve seen some of the shoots people do for these stranger sessions, and they are so hot. The tension between the two people by the end of the shoot is so intense you can practically feel it through the screen.

Without second guessing it anymore, I read through all the questions. I fill out my answers truthfully, and making it as realistic as I can. I’m even honest when it asks about bad habits.

Forgets to switch laundry over to the dryer, and has to rewash multiple times before remembering.

Listens to sad Taylor Swift songs when I’m depressed, therefore making myself more sad.

The next section is for accomplishments, or things you want to brag about.

I list starting my own business, owning my house, and a few other things I’m proud of.

I fill out the form quickly, listing off my favorite music, TV shows, pet peeves, where I want to be in five years, until I reach the last question. It’s not really a question though, more so an acknowledgement of Marley’s terms and conditions, and how she is not liable for any sort of heartache that could come from the process. Not a bad idea to put that in there. People will try and sue for anything nowadays, so it’s best to cover your bases.

After I click the button acknowledging that I’ve seen it, I submit the form. To be honest, I’m not entirely sure why I did it. I’m content with how things are right now, and I don’t need a boyfriend.

Though, I have to admit it would be nice to have someone to cuddle up with. Zack, my ex, was never much of a cuddler, even after sex. Not that I’m a super clingy person, but sometimes you need a good cuddle. My thoughts stray to Andrew and the way his chest felt under my fingers earlier today. How it might feel to rest my head on it. God, I can’t believe he scared me like that. I’ve pinned so many boutonnieres that it’s almost second nature. But when he jumped and said “ouch” I was ready to dig my own grave. I’d been so embarrassed and scared that I’d done some real damage.

He seems to be the type to goof around though. I mean, the man wore a literal wedding dress that he more than likely found at a thrift shop to surprise his best friend. I will admit though that he was nice. But he was the best man, and it was his literal job to be helpful today.

I can’t get his easy smile out of my mind though. The way his bright white teeth practically glinted in the sunlight, or the little flecks of auburn in his curly brown hair.

Ugh, maybe I need to get laid, if I’m thinking this much about a guy I met once. And as I decided earlier, there’s no way a guy like him is single. Not possible.

My phone lights up with Tessa’s name. She’s totally going to flip when I tell her about today. The wedding, meeting Andrew, and signing up for the photoshoot, which is unlike me.

“Hey!” I answer.

“Hey, Josie,” Tessa replies. “How did today go?”

“Oh my god,” I say. “It went so amazing. The venue was gorgeous, and the sweetest groomsman helped me get things set up. And I think I made a new friend? Her name is Marley and she was the photographer. I just signed up to do a stranger photoshoot with her, and I’ve never done anything like that before, but I am so. Excited.” I sigh heavily when I finish my outburst of excitement over my day.

“Wow… Uh, I’m glad you had a great day, Josie,” she says. Her voice is soft, almost hesitant, and I think I hear whispers in the background. “Listen, Josie, I have news.”
