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I gasp, feigning shock while clutching my chest. “Wait, this isn’t a real date?”

“No, yes, wait!” Andrew panics. “It is, it is, I just mean like a date where we don’t have my brother’s best friend following us around the whole time. Yeah?”

I laugh. “Yeah. I’d love to go on a real date with you, Andrew.”

He sighs in relief. “Okay good. Maybe I can take you out for dinner?”

“That sounds perfect.”

“Is it too eager to say tonight?”

I shake my head. “Not too eager at all. Though I would like to get some dry clothes on, and maybe a shower first?”

“Oh, totally. I vote we throw Marley in the water next time she takes pictures of us.”

“Deal,” I say.

Andrew takes my hands again, and though both our fingers are cold, they warm quickly with the shared body heat.



Walking toward the cars with Josie’s hand in mine has me feeling on top of the world. Despite being soaking wet, my body is thrumming with energy and heat. The water was freaking cold, but feeling Josie clutching to me like I was her lifeline was something I never want to forget.

She however, probably wants to forget every moment of it.

Josie’s cheeks are still slightly flushed, and I’m not sure if it’s from the chill, or what I perceived as embarrassment while she tried to wring out her dress.

To be totally honest, I’m still in a state of shock. When I took that blindfold off and Josie was standing in front of me, I think I blacked out for a minute. I’d been hyping up our reunion for the last few weeks in my head, and honestly, this was better than I could have imagined.

My feet are squelching with every step, my sopping wet socks trying to eliminate the water from them with each movement. Once we get to our vehicles, I reluctantly drop Josie’s hand.

“Can I get your phone number?” I ask, feeling slightly nervous she might decline.

“Oh, sure,” she hurriedly says. “I left my phone in my car, otherwise, I’d be in a tough spot right now.” She must have given Marley her keys earlier, because Marley tosses them to her. Josie unlocks her car, digging her phone out from her glovebox. Marley hands me my own phone from her back pocket.

I unlock the screen, seeing a voicemail from Gramps, as well as a few texts from my older brothers, Jason, Thomas, and Beau.


So how's your surprise date, Andrew?


Yeah, Marley was talking it up before you got to brunch. Gramps thought it was hilarious.


Wait, I missed something. This is why I hate being on duty and missing Sunday Brunch. I always miss the drama.


Our brother here has been hung up on a girl for weeks now, and Marley set them up on a blind date today.


Oh hell yeah. That’s awesome.
