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Marley widens her eyes in return, and we have a silent conversation with our eyes.

Andrew clears his throat. “Listen, I- uh- I don’t exactly know what’s happening with the crazy eyes, but we don’t have to do that pose if you aren’t comfortable, Josie.”

“She’s fine,” Marley says, and I squeak at her, trying my hardest to relay my worries.

“No,” I interject. “Andrew-” I start.

“If you’re about to say what I think you’re about to say, you should probably not say it,” Andrew interrupts, stepping closer to me. He bends down slightly, wrapping his arms around me.

“Oh, and what was I about to say?” I’m feeling a little sassy at this moment.

“Well, I think you were about to assume that I couldn’t lift you.”

“I-” I stop. “Fine. You’re right. You are very strong I’m sure, but I’m not lit- Ahh!” I squeal as I’m suddenly lifted. Andrew’s hands are on my ass, thankfully covered by my dress and the pair of shapewear I thoughtfully put on today. My arms fly to wrap around his neck, my legs around his waist. My hold tightens around him, and I look down at Andrew, my vantage point totally different now that I’m in his arms.

“You were saying, petals?” he cheekily states.

“You’re going to pay for that,” I tease, knowing full well I’m not going to do anything about it.

“Can I take my punishment in the form of kisses?”

“Hmm,” I playfully respond, using a hand to tap on the tip of my chin as if I’m deep in thought. “I guess we have to see how well you can kiss.”

“Challenge accepted.” His lips take mine again, and just like before, I’m immediately lost to the kiss. God, has kissing ever felt this good before? I truly can’t remember.

There’s suddenly a loud cracking noise, and Andrew grunts, his body jerking.

I briefly register the ground disappearing from under us and the sensation of falling, and I only have a moment to react; pulling my head back and screeching, before Andrew’s arms are wrapping around me tightly as we fall into the waist deep, freezing cold water.

I thankfully remembered to hold my breath, but Andrew doesn’t let go of me, standing almost as soon as his legs hit the pond’s murky ground. My eyes open when we’re above water, and the first thing I see is Marley bent in half, laughing hysterically while trying to hold her camera up to capture what’s happening. “Are you - guys - okay?!” she croaks between cackles.

I try to pry myself from Andrew, but he doesn’t let me budge. No, he just yells to his friend. “What the hell, Marley! I told you the dock was going to break!”

“Andrew let me down,” I murmur. “You can’t carry me soaking wet.”

“I can, and I will. Besides, we need to stay close, maintain warmth.” He seems unharmed if he’s still flirtatiously joking. He doesn’t make a move to let me down, just starts striding to shore as if he doesn’t notice my weight.

When we reach shore, he thankfully lets me down, and I make quick work of adjusting my now soaking wet dress. It clings to my body in probably a very unflattering way, so I do my best to squeeze out excess water, and fluff it out.

Marley snaps a few more pictures, saying, “Alright fine, I guess that ends today’s session. But, I do want to take a few more sometime, when you two aren’t waterlogged. Would you be up for it?”

Andrew glares down at Marley, not in a mean way though. More of an older brother, I told you so, way. “Only if Josie’s okay with it.”

I nod. “Yeah, I’m fine with it.”

“Yay,” Marley squeals, clapping her hands together twice. “Okay, let's head back to the cars, Josie, I have some extra clothes you can borrow.”

I start to follow Marley, looking back to Andrew. He’s staring at me, a smile taking over his face. “What?” I ask him, curious as to why he’s looking at me like that.

“Nothing, just… most girls would freak out if they got dunked into freezing cold water on a date.”

“I mean, it’s not like you did it on purpose… right?”

He shakes his head, waving his arms in front of him, water droplets flying everywhere. “No, fuck no,” he stammers. “Hell, I didn’t even want to go on the dock in the first place. I think you’re really great, Josie.”

“I think you’re really great too, Andrew.”

He nods, kicking a rock at his feet, and I could swear there is a hint of a blush creeping up his neck. “So, if I asked you on a real date, you might say yes?”
