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Keep it together, Nash. The bite of self-ridicule was sharp in my thoughts. Can't go breaking your own rules, can you? My brother's memory loomed like a specter, reminding me of the promise I’d made—the one that bound me to this pathetic semblance of honor.

The beast within me snarled, pacing restlessly, craving the feel of Gavin's blood on my hands. I could almost taste it, that hot rush of vengeance. It would be so damn easy. A mere flicker of movement, a snap, a gurgle, and it'd be done. But the shard of humanity I clung to held me back, whispering incessantly about right and wrong, good and evil.

Fuck good and evil. I held in a growl. This is about want and need. And I wanted Gavin gone, needed to erase his smug grin and the way his arm casually draped over Celeste's shoulders.

A burst of laughter broke through my brooding thoughts, shattering the momentary silence. They were still oblivious to the monster lurking in the darkness, preoccupied with their little flirtation game.

Stick to the shadows, Rigby. I coached myself, the bitterness seeping through each syllable. You're better than this, remember? You're the goddamn night watchman, not some peeping Tom.

But oh, how I wished I could just let go, forget the code, and embrace the chaos. Every fiber of my being pulled toward that door, yearning to unleash the fury pent up inside.

Swift as the shadow I had become, my fingers danced across the screen of my phone with precision.

Let him touch you, and he's dead, Celeste.

The text read, a stark warning etched in pixels—a modern-day scarlet letter sent with a flicker of hope that she'd heed its message.

Fuck, it was barbaric, this primal urge to claim her, to mark her as mine against all sense of decency. Yet, as much as I despised myself for it, I couldn't quell the hunger, the beast clawing at my insides, begging for release.

I watched, hidden by the inky cloak of night, as Celeste retrieved her phone from the confines of her purse. Her delicate fingers, usually so sure and steady when they graced canvas or clay, now trembled slightly as she read my words.

The anticipation gnawed at me, a thousand rats feasting on the cords of my restraint. What would she do? Would she call my bluff?

Then it happened—the sharp intake of breath, the widening of those bewitching eyes. Fear, unmistakable and pure, painted her features, and I felt both triumph and torment at the sight. It was wrong, this thrill that shot through me, hardening my resolve along with other, more treacherous parts of my body.

Christ. I pressed my back against the cool brick of the building opposite hers. The taste of self-loathing was bitter on my tongue, but it did little to douse the fire that raged below my belt.

Scared, Little Shadow? A cruel nickname for the woman who haunted my every waking thought, who now stood at the precipice of danger because of me—because of what I was.

I unzipped my pants with a fervor reserved for sinners and saints in the throes of their most unholy moments. My hand wrapped around my cock, the cold night air nothing against the heat of my skin, the burning desire coursing through every damned vein.

Think you can just walk away from me, Celeste? I huffed between strokes. My hand moved in rhythm to the darkest of beats—vengeance, violence, and raw, unfiltered lust.

I imagined it then, Gavin's pathetic excuse for a body coming apart under my hands, blood as rich and dark as a Cabernet. The thought alone was intoxicating, a sickeningly sweet fantasy that had my cock throbbing harder. I'd use his blood as lube to fuck her, claim her beneath a crimson sky. It was madness, this hunger that clawed at my insides, demanding satisfaction.

The click of Celeste's door unlocking snapped me back, a jarring reminder of the precipice upon which we all teetered. She slid her phone into her purse, oblivious to the monster lurking mere feet away, watching her every move. Her eyes flickered up to Gavin, giving him that smile—the one that should've been fucking mine.

Invite the wolf in, lamb. Venom dripped from every syllable. Let's see how long before he tries to devour you.

But it wouldn't be him. Oh no, I was the predator here, and my rage crested like a wave ready to crash down upon them both. I stalked closer to her window, still stroking my cock. My breath fogged the glass, a ghostly presence as I peered into the sanctuary she’d built for herself—a sanctuary I yearned to violate.

"Go on, let him touch you," I hissed, my voice a serrated whisper lost amidst the city's soundscape. The thought of his hands on her, the thought of him inside her—it was enough to make my vision blur red.

"Enjoy it while it lasts, fucker," I muttered, my hand moving faster as the beast within roared for release. "Because when I come for you, it'll be the last goddamn thing you ever feel."

My hand moved over my cock in rough, urgent strokes. It was pathetic—the way he caressed her cheek, how tender he pretended to be. Every move was measured, calculated to seem genuine. But I could see through his bullshit; that wasn't passion—it was a goddamn performance.

Jealousy churned inside me, a toxic blend with the lust that clouded my mind. They were magnets pulling at my darkest desires, and I hated them for it—hated him for touching what should have been mine. Hated myself for wanting her despite everything.

Their silhouettes merged in the dim light, two figures dancing to a tune of mundane seduction. When they finally tumbled onto the couch, I nearly laughed at the spectacle. It was all so trite, so... vanilla. Gavin on top, gentle thrusts that wouldn't scare a kitten. It was enough to make my skin crawl.

"Is that all you've got?" I sneered, pressing myself against the cool glass, my rhythm intensifying. He was wasting his chance, fucking her with no semblance of the fire she craved—the fire I could give her. My grip tightened, imagining it was his neck and not my cock in my hand.

"Pathetic," I spat, the word fogging up the window as my anger swelled. This wasn't love or even decent sex; it was an insult to every raw, primal urge that pulsed within me.

I wanted to burst in there, show her what real desire felt like, drag her into the darkness where I reigned. Show her the kind of ecstasy that only comes when you dance on the edge of danger, when every touch is laced with the possibility of destruction.

But no, I had my rules, my code. I couldn't just take—no matter how much I wanted to, no matter how hard I throbbed with the need to claim her, mark her, make her scream my name until her throat was raw.
